Are You Experiencing Winter In Your Life? {Stephen Ministry}
In addition to the cold weather outside, many people experience winters in their personal lives. A recent loss through death, divorce, or relocation may leave them feeling lonely. A hospitalization, a cancer diagnosis, or ongoing medical problems may leave them feeling isolated. The loss of a job, the fear of layoffs, or a financial setback can devastate one’s self-esteem. Family and personal struggles may leave them with nowhere to turn for support.
If you are going through a difficult time, our Stephen Ministers can bring God’s warm love back into your life. They provide confidential, one-to-one Christian care. They will meet with you privately on a weekly basis to listen, to support and encourage you, to pray with and for you, and to walk with you for the duration of your crisis.
Pick up a Stephen Ministry brochure in the Narthex to learn more about this ministry. To find out more about Stephen Ministry and how you or someone you know could be matched with a Stephen Minister, talk with Pastor Dave or one of our Stephen Leaders. Our Stephen Ministers are ready to care for you!