January 17, 2019, StPLC Events Update
A ‘Thank You’ From The StPLC Staff
The staff here at Saint Peter Lutheran Church would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to the staff Christmas gift. What a blessing it is to serve in such a kind, faithful and loving congregation. Thanks for all you do to support us, and all you do to make the ministries of this congregation so rich.
Monthly Faith Focus: Do Not Worry
At a time when we often assess the previous year and look to how we can improve in the coming year, who doesn’t want to worry less? Take a moment to explore this month’s Faith Focus by Jeanne Maloney here on the Saint Peter blog.
New Faith Forum Series: Taking The Bible Seriously
As we read the Bible, it becomes clear that there is not one right way of interpreting who God is and how God relates to the world. The Bible is a compilation of stories of generations of faithful people navigating through their experiences with the Divine in their particular time and culture. How we understand being Christian depends on how we read the Bible. The Bible is not something to be “believed” in, but to be in relationship with. These next few weeks, we will embark on a journey that explores the many aspects of the Bible as we challenge some of our comfortable understandings about the Bible. Please join us on Sunday mornings from 9:40 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. in the Covenant Hall.
Reserve Your Spot Before January 20 for Theater and Theology
The next Theater & Theology performance is Tuesday, February 12th at 6:30 p.m. at Denver Center for the Performing Arts. Anna Karenina uses the romantic backdrop of Tsarist Russia to tell a turbulent tale of passion and betrayal, dreams chased and lost and the consequences of getting swept off your feet. Tickets are $35. If you are interested, please sign up on the sheet on the doors to the Narthex or contact Jeanne Maloney. Reservations are due by January 20th.
New Member Information Series Begins January 24
Newcomers! Come learn about our congregation and our Lutheran traditions at the next Saint Peter New Member Information Series. Explore what it might mean for you to be involved here as a member. We have scheduled four gatherings on a series of Thursday evenings in January and February. Each gathering will begin at 7:00 p.m., and finish up between 8:30 and 9:00 p.m. For those of you with children, a nursery attendant will be available to watch the kids.
• Thursday, January 24th, An Introduction to Saint Peter Lutheran Church
• Thursday, January 31st, An Introduction to the Lutheran Tradition
• Thursday, February 21st, Our Gifts and Abilities
• Thursday, February 28th, Membership at Saint Peter
New members will be formally welcomed into the life of our congregation through a service of prayer during the worship services on Sunday, March 3rd. If you are interested in making Saint Peter your official church home here in the south-metro area, or if you are simply interested in learning a bit more about Saint Peter and the Lutheran Church, we’d love to have you attend this series. Contact Pastor Dave in the church office if you are interested.
Church Chicks Secret Prayer Sister Reveal Luncheon January 26
The Church Chicks – Secret Prayer Sister Reveal Luncheon is coming up on Saturday, January 26th at 11:30 a.m. This event will be held at the church. Bring a breakfast or lunch dish to share. Coffee will be provided. We will “reveal” our current Prayer Sister and draw for new Prayer Sisters. If you wish to honor your Prayer Sister with a gift, please do so, but remember it is not a requirement.
If you would like to participate in the Secret Prayer Sister ministry but are unable to attend the luncheon, contact Annie Heath.
Saint Peter Women’s Bible Study Begins February 4
Saint Peter is beginning a new Women’s Bible Study on Monday evening, February 4th and will meet every other Monday evening through March. The meeting dates are: February 4th, February 18th, March 4th and March 18th. We will meet at Saint Peter from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. This will be a time to dig into scripture, pray together and create some new friendships. It will be a great opportunity to connect with other women of Saint Peter while growing deeper in your faith. If you are interested in participating, please sign up on the sheet on the door to the Narthex.
Holden Evening Prayer Around the World on Wednesday, February 7
Written in 1985-86 by Marty Haugen during a musical residency at Holden Village, Holden Evening Prayer is a simple Lutheran vespers service that follows traditional form while using contemporary and inclusive language.
Since then, the service has been adopted around the world and continues to be used weekly at Holden Village where it is lovingly known as Vespers '86. Once a year Holden invites Villagers across the globe to come together through participation in the Holden Evening Prayer. Together, we seek to support and draw strength from one another, reaffirming our values as people who have been called, equipped, and sent, and supporting each other’s work in environmental stewardship and justice for all people.
Join us Wednesday, February 6th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. here at Saint Peter as we participate in Holden Evening Prayer Around the World (HEPAW).
2019 Joshua Station Community Meal Schedule
Saint Peter has locked in several dates to prepare and serve the Community Meal at Joshua Station in 2019. This is a fun and meaningful way to be Christ’s hands in the world while walking alongside the vulnerable in our community. If you are interested in participating, please consider getting one or more of these dates on your calendar. Reminders will be sent out closer to the actual dates but a little planning ahead may ensure you make the time to serve.
February 14
March 21
May 9
July 11
September 26
November 14
Annual Meeting Sunday, February 10
Each year the members of Saint Peter gather to reflect on the ministry we’ve accomplished in the previous year, affirm plans made for the coming year and elect a slate of leaders to guide our life together. All members are requested to join us on February 10th at noon in the Worship Center for this year’s opportunity to do just that.
Friends and guests: you are welcome too. Come and see what plans have been laid out for 2019, and join with us as we celebrate what God is accomplishing among us. Childcare, activities and a snack will be provided for the kids!
5 Love Languages Couples Workshop February 22-23
Mark your calendar for February 22nd and 23rd to participate in The 5 Love Languages workshop at Saint Peter. The workshop will begin with dinner and an introduction on Friday evening and will resume on Saturday morning until 3:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to invest in your relationship with your spouse. Childcare will be available if needed. Contact Jeanne Maloney if interested.
What Do You Do With Your Copy of the StPLC Weekly?
We’d love to see how you use your copy of Our Life Together during the week. Do you keep a stack on your desk like the Maloney family or do you rely on the online version like the Lancasters?
Lutheran Family Services Silent Auction Items Needs
Silent auction item donations are needed for the 25th Annual Gala, LFS’ largest annual fundraiser, taking place on April 26! Can you or a group of friends donate a gift basket, gift certificate or item to help raise funds for our human service programs? All ideas and items are welcome, and all contributions are tax deductible!