Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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Glossary of Worship Servant Terms

Our congregation has always understood worship to be among the most central components of our life together. We also consider it important to encourage strong participation from volunteer worship leaders at every worship service. This makes a very clear statement about how we understand worship.

Liturgy: “The Work of the People”

The word liturgy literally translated means the work of the people. Therefore, it is appropriate that in Lutheran churches there is a strong tradition of lay involvement in leading worship.

In our tradition, worship is not done by the leaders and observed by the congregation. It is, literally, the work of the people. We all have a role to play when God’s people come together for worship. The presence of volunteer worship leaders helps to emphasize that belief.

Acolyte/Crucifer - Process/recess with the candles/cross at the beginning/end of worship. Receives the offering and will serve as a communion assistant if needed.

Altar Guild - Maintains the altar for all worship services. It's the team's role to bring the body and blood of Jesus Christ to the congregation during worship. They are responsible for set-up for baptisms, candles, flowers and paraments.

Assisting Minister - Assists Pastor in leading worship and prayer. They also serve as a Eucharist Minister.

Offering Counter - To accurately and discreetly prepare the offerings made to Saint Peter for deposit. Records donation details for the StPLC Financial Secretary and drops offering off at bank night depository.

Host - Hospitality is the single most important function of hosts. They greet and welcome all worshipers before/after worship. They count the number of worshipers (for attendance records), distribute worship pads, collect offering and tidy up after service.

Leadership Representative - Member of the Saint Peter Council who makes announcements at the end of the worship service and is available to answer any questions about our ministries at Saint Peter.

Lector - Reads the lesson during worship and serves as a Eucharist Minister.

Worship Coordinator - Coordinates the work of all those who volunteer to lead worship and serves as a Eucharist Minister.