Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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December 9, 2019, StPLC Events Update

It’s Christmastime!

The Catechism kids once again pitched in at the Food for All Event in Denver a couple weeks ago (pictured above); thank you to Karen Clair for organizing the Community of Crafter & Bakers Sale at Saint Peter last Sunday and to everyone who sponsored a family for this year’s IFCS Adopt-a-Family/Adopt-a-Senior Program; Wednesday Advent Faith Table Talks/Dinner and Worship Services are in full swing; Covenant Cupboard Toy Distribution will happen this Friday and you have two weeks to purchase your Christmas poinsettias! (Order forms are in the pews of the Worship Center). Whew. It’s a busy time, but a wonderful time. We hope it is a joyous one for you.

The StPLC DESIGN (Doing Everything Simply in God's Name) Team would like to thank everyone that helped beautify the church for Advent and Christmas!


Does your child love to sing or do they play an instrument? Will you be able to attend the 4:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Worship Service at Saint Peter? There are two musical opportunities for our youth:

  1. SING AND RING CHIMES for one song during the service. Rehearsal will be on Sunday, December 22nd, from noon to 3:00 p.m. (lunch provided). If you have a child (or children) who would like to participate, please let Steve Howie know by December 15th.

  2. PLAY AN INSTRUMENT prior to the service as part of the prelude music. If interested, please email Steve by December 15th and he will give you more details.

Advent Worship and Table Talks

Wednesday night Faith Table Talks will continue during Advent with a modified schedule to include participation in the mid-week Advent worship service. A home-cooked meal will be provided starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. During dinner, a brief video will be shown highlighting a current cultural topic in order to spark a conversation at the dinner table.

Table Talk is an opportunity to come together as faithful friends to wrestle with some of the challenges we encounter in our culture in a judgment-free environment. It provides a space where opinions are heard and respected as we are all able to learn from one another. The conversations will wrap up in time for worship at 7:00 p.m.

The second Advent Table Talk and worship is Wednesday, December 11th. The discussion will center around the question, “Should we live for our resume or our eulogy?”

Thoughts About Dialogues On Race

Over the last few months, a couple dozen Saint Peter members (and friends) joined together for the first-of-its-kind series of Faith Table Talks that focused on race. Throughout that time, the group heard a mix of hard truths and compassion, which inspired growth in all of us who attended. To read more about the series, click here to read a special article from Allegra Reiber.

Fall 2019 Stewardship Campaign, 20/20 Vision

If you still have not made a financial commitment to Saint Peter for 2020, pick up a Statement of Intent Card in the Narthex or on the Member Resources page of our website. Place your completed card in the offering plate or bring it to the church office as soon as you can. 2020 is going to be a great year!

Sunday Morning Faith Forum

During Faith Forum we will take a look at all of the appointed readings for that Sunday with an emphasis on the Old Testament lessons from Isaiah. We will explore the message of the scripture from the perspective of the people of the time when they were written and how we hear and understand them today. We will consider how the various readings for the day tie into one another from the Old Testament to the New Testament. The class will be both instructional and interactive. Please come and learn while sharing your insights.

All adults, high school youth, and middle school youth are invited to come join the conversation. Grab a cup of coffee and a friend and come to the Covenant Hall from 9:45 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.

Church Chicks December News

It's time to begin planning the Secret Prayer Sister reveal in January. If you didn’t have a prayer sister for 2019, but would like one for 2020, you are welcome to join us! Time/date TBD.