January 16, 2020, StPLC Events Update
SATURDAY! Prayer Sister Luncheon
Ladies of Saint Peter! Please join the Church Chicks for the Secret Prayer Sister Reveal and Luncheon on Saturday, January 18th at noon. If you have a Secret Prayer Sister, please plan to join so you can let her know you’ve been praying for her this past year. If you would like to participate in the Secret Prayer Sister program for 2020, you are also invited to join as we will be drawing new names. Contact Annie Heath or Jo Kurowski with questions and to RSVP.
New Member Series Starts SUNDAY
The next New Member Information Series begins at Saint Peter this Sunday after the second service. Come and learn about our congregation and our Lutheran traditions, meet some of our leaders at Saint Peter and explore what it might mean for you to be involved here as a member. The series will continue the next two Sundays with the new member reception on Sunday, February 9th. Contact Pastor Dave for more info.
Sunday Morning Faith Forum
Last week’s Faith Forum dove into Brian McLaren’s book, The Great Spiritual Migration: How the World’s Largest Religion is Seeking a Better Way to be Christian, with a conversation about “what is love?” and how can the church be a school for learning to love. This week’s focus in on how faith can move from a system of beliefs toward Christianity as a way of life of love. If you don’t have time to read the book, please come anyway. A brief chapter overview will be provided during the discussion. Grab a cup of coffee and a friend and come to Covenant Hall from 9:40 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.
StPLC Annual Meeting February 9th
Each year the members of Saint Peter gather to reflect on the ministry we’ve accomplished in the previous year, affirm plans made for the coming year, and elect a slate of leaders to guide our life together. All members are requested to join us on February 9th at noon in the Worship Center for this year’s opportunity to do just that. Friends and guests: you are welcome too. Come and see what plans have been laid out for 2020, and join with us as we celebrate what God is accomplishing among us. Childcare, activities and a snack will be provided for the kids!
Upcoming Holy Hammers Builds
Please sign up for any of the upcoming Habitat builds at vhub.at/stpeter as early as you're able to commit (our reserved spots are released two weeks ahead of each date). Email Brittany Hass with questions and lunch orders. Upcoming build: Jan 25.
Interfaith Blood Drive February 1st at Saint Peter
It’s that time again for the Interfaith Blood Drive. Join your fellow Greenwood Village church friends on Saturday, February 1st from 8:15 – 11:45 am at Saint Peter to donate blood. In addition, we will be collecting SOCKS for Christ in the City. Look in the Narthex for the collection box.
To schedule an appointment call 303-363-2300 or visit donors.vitalant.org and use site code E026. If you can’t donate blood...PLEASE try to find a replacement!
Easter Vigil Volunteer Needed
For many years Verna Leighton managed the Saint Peter Easter Vigil. However, Verna has retired from this duty, which means we need a volunteer to manage this annual event. It is relatively easy requiring the following:
Post hourly schedule several weeks ahead of Good Friday.
Promote the event in bulletin and announcements.
Put kneeling bench in the sanctuary after Friday service.
Provide a few materials, like the latest prayer list, for participants’ reflection.
Many have found the Easter Vigil to be a meaningful part of their Lenten experience. Contact Deb Paul with any questions or to volunteer.
2020 Chick Lit Book List
Saint Peter’s Chick Lit Book Club meets on the third Thursday of each month, January through November, at 7:00 p.m. here at Saint Peter. All women are welcome to join whether you’ve read the whole book or not! Below is the 2020 reading list for the remaining months. Please contact Lori Williams or Heather Dahms with questions.
February 20 - The Captain’s Daughter by Leah Fleming
March 19 - The Other Einstein by Marie Benedict
April 16 - The Astronaut Wives Club by Lily Koppel
May 21 - The Woman Who Smashed Codes by Jason Fagone
June 18 - The Giver of Stars by Jojo Moyes
July 16 - Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger
August 20 - Beneath a Scarlett Sky by Mark Sullivan
September 17 - Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens
October 15 - How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill
November 19 - Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
Thank You From The Staff
The staff here at Saint Peter Lutheran Church would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to the staff Christmas gift. What a blessing it is to serve in such a kind, faithful and loving congregation. Thanks for all you do to support us, and all you do to make the ministries of this congregation so rich.
Your 2020 Faith Plan
If you are interested in creating a detailed, personalized faith plan for 2020; or, if you just want to talk about your faith life, Jeanne Maloney (Faith Formation Ministries) is available to meet with you. Reach out to her on Sunday mornings or by email.
StPLC Neighborhood Walking Group
Darlene Beals would like to start a StPLC walking group for the New Year. If you are interested in walking the neighborhood for exercise, contact Darlene Beals.
Donate Your Formal Gowns To Dress for Success
Ladies! Let’s keep digging into our closets for donatable items to provide to the clients of Dress For Success in Denver. Between now and February 8th, bring in professional clothing (as well as shoes and accessories) that is in style, on hangers, clear of stains and tears and ready to wear. In addition, we also ask you to donate those fancy dresses hanging in your closet that you’ll probably never wear again (i.e., bridesmaid dresses, prom dresses and formal gowns, etc). Dress For Success will either re-sell these gowns at a future fundraiser or provide them to clients attending a formal event. All items can be placed on the rack in the Narthex. If you have questions, contact Annie Heath.
Sunday Sermons Now Available on StPLC.org
Now you can hear (and read) Sunday’s sermon simply by clicking through to the Saint Peter website. Visit the Member Resources page and look under the first box titled “Worship Info.” There you will find a link to the audio of the sermon, the written version of the sermon on One Little Word (Pastor’s blog) as well as the weekly newsletter.