Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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January 8, 2021, StPLC Events Update

Special Rainbow Trail Guest This Sunday

This Sunday we welcome back our good friend Dave Jarvis. He will join with Pastor Dave in presenting the sermon to us during worship, and bring an update from Rainbow Trail to us during our Faith Forum (immediately following worship). Welcome, Dave. We are so grateful to have you with us this weekend!

AN Epiphany Blessing For Your Home

Let’s start a tradition of “Chalking Our Doors” on Epiphany. Just as the Magi sought and found a King, we too proclaim Jesus as our Savior and we invite him into our homes and our lives. Get all the details in this article on the StPLC blog.

Introduction To Meditation And Prayer

2020 has certainly been a crazy year. We are all in hopes that 2021 will bring physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. As you look for healing ways to start the new year, meditation and prayer may be just what your body, mind and heart need. 

Saint Peter is offering an introduction to meditation and prayer beginning on January 10th, spending several weeks on just the basics. 

Thank You From The Staff

The Saint Peter Lutheran Church staff would like to extend a heartfelt thank you to all who contributed to the staff Christmas gift. What a blessing it is to serve in such a kind, faithful and loving congregation. Thanks for all you do to support us, and all you do to make the ministries of this congregation so rich.

Reflecting On Christmas

Click here for a “thank you” note from Miss Mary as well as a recap (with photos!) of Christmas at Saint Peter.

Christ In The City Donations

Christ In The City, a Denver organization that supports un-housed individuals with food, supplies and friendship, is in need of hand warmers, socks, gloves and hats. If you would like to donate items (especially hand warmers), there is a plastic box on the right side of the front doors at Saint Peter where you can drop them off. Mary Pratt will make donations periodically throughout the winter.

Your Stephen Ministers Are Here To Help

Who: Any adult 

What: A listening ear and a compassionate, open heart

When: A mutually acceptable time

Where: Over the phone, Facetime, Zoom, your choice

Why: These unprecedented times. A desire to have someone meet you where you are.

Cost: Free

How: Call the church office at 303-770-9300 or email and we will get you connected to an active Saint Peter Stephen Minister.