Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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July 17, 2020, StPLC Events Update

Virtual Financial Peace University

Saint Peter’s Jody Hinsey is now offering virtual "Lunch-and-Learns"! Participate from home or on your lunch break as a more convenient way to attend Financial Peace University. Master Dave Ramsey's 7 Baby Steps and finally take control of your financial future. The course runs for nine weeks beginning Wednesday, July 22nd at noon. More information about the program can be found on this link: Contact Jody with questions.

StPLC Property Day Next Saturday

The next Saint Peter property workday will be Saturday, July 25th from 8:00 a.m. to noon. Bring your wheelbarrows, lawn and leaf rakes, shovels, chain saws, pruners, loppers and tarps so that we can tackle the to-do list. The group will observe COVID-19 distancing guidelines. If you have questions, contact Dave Prichard.

Special Stephen Ministry Sunday

Next Sunday (the 26th) during worship, Saint Peter’s Stephen Ministers will give a short presentation about the work that Stephen Ministers do, talk about the new resources you can find on and introduce a new fundraising campaign to help support our elderly friends, which includes the sale of face masks that will be available for pre-order soon. Please plan to attend!

Walk/Run For Selian Hospital All Summer Long

Sign up for the annual Selian Run/Walk! Set your goals and get outside to support Selian Hospital in Tanzania all summer long. If you want a t-shirt, register before August 2nd. And if you have questions or would like to sponsor the event, contact Terri Mohrhaus.

A Note For Four Squares Participants

As you fill out your prayer flags during or after each Four Squares gathering, please return the flags to your group leader, drop them in the basket placed outside the administration entrance to the church building or mail to Jeanne Maloney (5790 Fox Run Court, Parker, CO 80134). The Four Square leaders are excited for the prayer flag installation on the labyrinth. Be on the lookout for photos soon.

It’s Coming! God's Work. Our Hands. 2020

This year, Saint Peter will promote a month of God’s Work. Our Hands. community service starting on Sunday, September 13th, and running through Sunday, October 11th. There will be a variety of community service activities that you will be invited to do at home and in the Denver area.

If you are already involved with a community organization, please let the GWOH team know. We'd love to lift up the work you are doing during Sunday morning worship as well as see photos and videos of you out there working in your bright yellow God's Work. Our Hands. t-shirts. Send a note to to let us know what organizations are near and dear to your heart. 

Regular Online Communion Schedule

Going forward for as long as we are worshipping online, Saint Peter Council has decided we will virtually celebrate communion on the first and third Sundays of every month. If you would prefer single-serving wine and bread for communion in your home, reach out to Saint Peter’s Stephen Ministers who are available to bring you individual cups and bread for your use.

Women’s Contemplative Prayer Group (1st and 3rd Saturdays)

All women of Saint Peter are invited to come together for contemplative prayer on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month. Previously, the Saturday morning group focused on a book, but this time around there will be no preparation necessary. All you have to do is show up with an open heart. Contact Jeanne Maloney with questions.