Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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September 11, 2020, StPLC Events Update

Sweet Treats And T-Shirts This Sunday In The Saint Peter Parking Lot

Come by Saint Peter Lutheran Church the afternoon of this Sunday, September 13, to pick up your Selian t-shirt (if you registered for one) and to enjoy a sweet treat from Aunt Luann’s Cotton Candy food truck.

To ensure everyone’s safety, only 15 people are allowed on church grounds at the same time and everyone must be wearing a mask and maintaining a physical distance.

A Monthlong God's Work. Our Hands. Opportunity For Service

This year at Saint Peter, God's work. Our hands. will be a month-long opportunity for service. The GWOH team has compiled a number of projects for people of all ages and abilities, and you are encouraged to do your own preferred community service work, too. Click here for the full list of opportunities, and if you do pursue your own activities, indicate that on the SUG, too. We will be tracking the collective effort of the congregation.

Fall Book Study On Wednesday Nights

A new book study discussing Dear Church by Lenny Duncan will begin Wednesday evenings immediately following Saint Peter’s Evening Prayer (about 7:30 p.m.) on September 9th.  If you are interested, please get yourself a copy of the book. We will cover the introduction during our first gathering.  Please contact Jeanne Maloney if you have any questions.

Weekly Women’s Contemplative Prayer

Ladies, due to popular demand, you will be able to participate in contemplative prayer with other Saint Peter women every Saturday. This is a great way to deepen your prayer life and get to know others at Saint Peter, too. The gatherings will alternate focus. 

Faith Forum Starts Back Up September 13th

Faith Forum is starting up on Sunday, September 13th immediately following worship on the same Zoom link. There will be no preparation necessary to participate. All you need is your inquisitive mind, a passion to dig deeper into your faith and the time to connect with some new Saint Peter friends.  

Every Sunday for about a month, Faith Forum conversation will focus on a particular faith theme. If you have had something on your mind or heart that you would like to see the group cover, let Jeanne Maloney know.  See you on the 13th. 

Do You Have An Extra Washer And Dryer?

The refugee family that several Saint Peter members have been mentoring these last couple of years is in need of a washer and dryer. If you have a set to spare (or one or the other), please contact Jeanne Maloney.

Stephen Ministry Face Masks And Technology Fundraiser Totals

The StPLC Stephen Ministry team wants to say THANK YOU to everyone who contributed to the end-of-summer Technology Fundraiser and purchased face masks. In all, 120 masks were purchased and $1,610 was raised. All of that money will go toward helping some of our Saint Peter friends access online worship and Bible study with the right technology. 

If you ordered a mask, someone on the Stephen Ministry team will contact you directly about your order. The shipment should arrive in about a week.

Prayer Flags!

The prayer flag installation on the Saint Peter labyrinth has three rows of prayers, totaling over 100 flags! We should be able to add another row of 30 flags before this season's Four Squares ends. Thanks to everyone who has contributed and shown our neighbors we are a colorful and thriving community.

Supporting Others During The Pandemic

Many Sundays these last few months, we’ve featured a cause or organization that could use our support. We’ve been taking notes and have listed summaries on this page that is featured on Check it out and see what you may have missed and how you can give back to so many folks who could use extra prayers during the pandemic.