Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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February 8, 2021, StPLC Events Update

2021 Annual Meeting, Join Us For Budget Approval

Join your fellow Saint Peter members for this year's annual meeting, which will look much different than years past. On Sunday, February 14, following worship (on the same Zoom link), we will go over an abbreviated annual report and approve the 2021 budget. Please plan to attend. Your vote counts!

Check out the 2020 Annual Report here.

Many Thanks to Deb Paul for 5 Years of Dedication

The Saint Peter Council wants to publicly thank StPLC member Deb Paul for her years of dedication to the church staff as Coordinator of Volunteers and Ministries. In her role, Deb connected with ministry leaders to find out about their volunteer needs and then reached out to church members to see how they could support these ministries and become more engaged in our church community. While this is a much-valued contribution, given the changes the pandemic has forced us to make as well as Saint Peter's budget shortage, this is a position we weren’t able to fund in 2021. Thank you, Deb, for your commitment to Saint Peter and its ministries these past five years.

Black History Month at Saint Peter

Saint Peter’s Faith in Action ministry wants to tie our faith into what is going on in the world around us. Throughout the year, we will focus on different social concerns and provide opportunities to raise awareness and see how we can respond in faithful ways. This month we are highlighting Black History Month, which was formally established by President Gerald Ford in 1976. The intent was to, “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history”. In addition to a special worship service on Sunday, February 14, we are hosting these two events.

13th Watch Party And Discussion This Thursday

Saint Peter’s Faith in Action team is hosting a Watch Party and discussion on the documentary 13th, which explores race, justice and mass incarceration in the United States. Join us on Zoom at 6:00 p.m. and discussion at 7:45 p.m. Saint Peter friend Alexandra Walker will be our facilitator for the discussion that follows the viewing. Sign up at this link (  By doing so, you’ll get an automatic reminder with the Zoom address sent to your email. If you have any questions, please contact Sara Lancaster.  

Kindred Book Discussion February 27th

Come discuss Octavia Butler’s book Kindred on Zoom on Saturday, February 27th at 7:30 p.m.—with your favorite beverage and snack. This story takes a modern Black woman on a shocking time-traveling journey to a plantation that her family lived on as slaves. Join the discussion —as we take a personal look at race, power, gender and class. You can signup here to make sure you get a reminder and the link to the Zoom meeting in your inbox. If you have other questions, contact Brittany Hass.

One of the items in the “Lent-In-A-Bag.”

Pick Up Your Lent-in-a-Bag This Saturday

Calling all Saint Peter youth! Come by Saint Peter this coming Saturday between 10:00 a.m. and noon to pick up your Lent-In-A-Bag! Each Sunday during Lent, Miss Mary will present a message for you that coincides with an item in your bag. Find more details in this article.

The Start of Lenten Contemplation

Contemplation Ministries at Saint Peter is excited to offer a Lenten Contemplation series beginning on February 21st.  This series will use the Prayer of St. Francis to walk us through weekly guided meditations and will include a custom journal for each participant. The 30-minute meditation sessions will take place on Zoom and be offered on Sunday evenings at 8:00 pm and again on Wednesdays Evenings at 7:30 pm, following the mid-week Lenten Worship. 

Please register to participate in the meditations and you will receive the companion journal.  You may also sign up to just receive the journal.   If you have any questions please contact Bethany Laurie or Jeanne Maloney. 

Chick Lit February Book

Each year Chick Lit reads 11 books, both fiction and non-fiction, then gathers to share thoughts and personal experiences inspired by this literature. We continue to learn about, support and encourage one another through life’s joys and sorrows, while friendships rooted in words blossom and thrive.

All members and friends of Saint Peter are invited to attend Chick Lit gatherings (via Zoom until we can meet again in-person), held on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at Saint Peter Lutheran Church. This month we are reading I am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai. See this week’s issue of Our Life Together for the full list of books planned for 2021. Please contact Lori Williams or Heather Dahms for more information.

Church Chicks February Update

On our last call, we checked in with each other and shared prayer concerns, we discussed Secret Prayer Sisters, and we determined the theme for our February third Saturday meal for THE DELORES PROJECT - baked potato bar. Here’s the signup: The rack for DRESS FOR SUCCESS has found a semi-permanent spot in Annie's garage, so if you'd like to drop off professional clothes you no longer need, you are welcome to bring them with you and drop them off at the same time as sign-up items for the meal. Contact Annie Heath with questions.

Faith in Action Hosts Dialogues On Sexuality

The Faith in Action (FIA) Leadership Team is hosting the current Faith Forum series on sexuality.  The Sparkhouse curriculum Dialogues On Sexuality is guiding the discussions Find the next reading that will be discussed on February 28th here. The next two weeks Faith Forum is on a break to make way for the annual meeting and a special presentation about hospice care in Tanzania.