May 17, 2021, StPLC Events Update
Special Online Congregational Meeting THIS SUNDAY
All confirmed members of Saint Peter Lutheran Church are requested to attend a special online Congregation Meeting to be held after worship on Sunday, May 23. It is anticipated that the meeting will begin at approximately 10:40 a.m. Members can join the meeting by following the regular Zoom log-in address used for weekly worship.
Pursuant to article C12.05.d. of the Saint Peter Lutheran Church Constitution, President Bruce Stokes has called this meeting to seek approval to enter into a contract with Tolin Mechanical for upgrades and repairs to the HVAC equipment in Saint Peter’s facility, including replacement of the Sanctuary air-handling system, installation of Needlepoint Bipolar Ionization (NPBI) air purification units on all HVAC units, and correction of airflow problems in the 1992 addition. The total cost for this work is $62,800.
Although Saint Peter currently has sufficient funds in cash reserves to cover this expense, any unbudgeted obligations that exceed 2% of the congregation’s approved current year operating budget require approval at a Congregation Meeting. The Congregation Council anticipates that this will be the first phase of a possible three-phase series of upgrades to replace aging HVAC equipment that has become excessively expensive to maintain. While making these upgrades, Tolin Mechanical will also upgrade the system’s capacity to filter and clean the air being delivered throughout the entire facility.
This meeting is expected to be a brief gathering of the congregation since the Constitution stipulates that no other business other than what is described above shall be transacted during the course of the meeting.
Any who have specific questions about this proposal are encouraged to contact Congregation President Bruce Stokes or Administrator Lynn Sherpe.
Faith Forum Series On Women Of The Bible
The five-week Faith Forum series on the role of women in the Bible will wrap up this coming Sunday. Stay on the line after the special congregational meeting to examine the story of Bathsheba (II Samuel 11-12:25 and I Kings 1-2:25). Thank you to Karyl Meyer for leading us in this thought-provoking conversation!
Announcing Saint Peter’s 2021 Day Camp
Monday - Thursday, July 12-15
Theme: “Taking It Down the Mountain”
Friends and members of Saint Peter Lutheran Church, three-years-old through those who have completed the fifth grade, are invited to join us for this summer’s Day Camp. Our friends from Rainbow Trail will be on hand to lead us through four fantastic days of Sondance, Bible Study, Music, Recreation, Arts and Crafts, Devotions, Rest, Lunch, and a Closing Celebration. Middle School and High School students are invited to apply to serve as Day Camp Volunteers for the week.
The theme for this summer’s camp is “Taking It Down the Mountain!” (written by a team of Rocky Mountain Synod Pastors, including our own Pastor Dave). During this week we’ll be exploring how our faith can be nurtured not just while we are together at Day Camp, but throughout the entire year. Each day will begin at 9:00 a.m. and continue through 3:00 p.m. Our preschool friends will finish up at 11:30 a.m. A closing program will take place on Thursday evening.
This year, campers are asked to register on the Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp website:
Rainbow Trail will be in touch with instructions about how to prepare for Day Camp, including instructions regarding daily health checks during the week leading up to July 12th. For more information about Camp keep an eye on our weekly newsletters, or feel free to contact Day Camp Coordinator Courtney Williams or Pastor Dave.
Get Your Pentecost-In-A-Bag Before Sunday
Pentecost is May 23rd, and it is going to be a special Sunday with a childrens’ message that features a “Pentecost-in-a-Bag”!
For the message, you will want these items:
Anything at home that makes a sound. Some ideas: a pot and a wooden spoon, a box of cereal you can shake, chopsticks on a surface, a musical instrument…..anything!
A pinwheel
A flame of fire you will color
A party hat
Here’s how this works:
Either collect the above items on your own or stop by Saint Peter anytime to pick up your Pentecost-in-a-Bag supplies from the bin outside the east doors of the church building.
Color the flame from inside the bag and attach it to the party hat that is also found inside the bag.
Have your supplies close by at worship on Pentecost, May 23rd.
Help Miss Mary tell the story of Pentecost!
Questions? As always, you can reach out to Miss Mary.
“L” Is For LOVE (Video)
See Miss Mary share more about the values of Family Ministries at Saint Peter Lutheran Church in her latest video, this time sharing what the “L” in “STPLC” stands for. Click here to watch it on YouTube or visit to find all of Miss Mary’s videos.
Families! Save The Date for June 6th
What: Family Ministries Year-End Celebration
When: Sunday, June 6, 2:00-3:30 p.m.
Where: Saint Peter, outside
Who: All households with children/grandchildren
Let’s gather safely to play outside and catch up with one another.
Let’s thank the Strezo family for keeping Sunday School thriving throughout the pandemic.
Let’s skip the snacks this time but do bring a mask and your own bottle of water.
We are working with the Saint Peter Council and COVID Task Force to ensure a safe, responsible gathering. Stay tuned for specifics. Questions? Please contact Mary Pratt.
Did You Get Your New Saint Peter Hat?
It’s not too late to get a 40th-anniversary hat or visor. Stop by the church building and pick one (or two) up from the bin outside the east doors. Remember to wear them around town and to future church events.