Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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Faith Formation For All Through LIFT

At Saint Peter on the second and fourth Sundays, everyone is invited to participated in an all-ages faith formation opportunity we call LIFT (Living in Faith Together).

How is a LIFT experience like a JESUS experience?  Here’s how:

  • Jesus washed his disciples’ feet, and put mud on a blind man’s eyes.  At LIFT, we recently washed each others’ hands. Experiential learning.

  • Jesus was a rabbi who knew his peoples’ history and he studied the Torah, which influenced his teaching constantly.  Through LIFT, we grapple with our Biblical truths and learn how to apply our learning to our lives.

  • Jesus loved the little children.  At LIFT, all ages, with mixed aged groups, learn and model our faith alongside our precious children/grandchildren/neighbors.

  • Jesus asked open-ended questions to generate deep thought.  At LIFT, we ask “wondering” questions where all voices are heard and respected.

  • Jesus engaged the senses in his teaching, which can trigger emotion and also memory.  At LIFT, we engage the senses in an inclusive environment, enabling all to make learning personal and memorable.

  • Jesus shared in food and drink. At LIFT, snacks are connected to scripture. Perhaps you’ve smelled fresh bread baking on a LIFT Sunday?

  • Jesus encouraged his disciples to “...go and make disciples of all nations…” ~Matthew 28:19. At LIFT, we leave with follow-up activities to practice related to our learning.  We, just like the disciples, go and make a difference in those we meet.  “Church” becomes wherever we are!

And finally, LIFT is an opportunity for Lifelong Transformation. We get to move our faith from our head to our heart, which is exactly the way Jesus taught. Plus, we get to do it in community with our Saint Peter friends.

LIFT will continue to meet through May. Each Sunday follows a different theme. You and all of your family members (and friends!) are invited to all or even just one of the upcoming dates. No need to register. Come as you are!