Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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March 29, 2022, StPLC Events Update

Wednesday Evening Lent Worship

This year during Lent, each Wednesday evening service will include a monologue by one of the people who were present during the first Holy Week (as played by a Saint Peter actor). Each week you will hear their stories and struggles as they were led by the Spirit in the Wilderness. Here’s what is coming up:

  • March 30: Mother of Judas (Karyl Meyer)

  • April 6: The Roman Centurion (Lee Dehmlow)

Bring a can or two or three of soup and place them in the collection box in the Narthex for donation to Covenant Cupboard. There are no longer plans to host a Soup Supper on April 6th. Instead, we invite you to the Seder on April 10th (details follow).

Wednesday Worships during Lent will begin at 7 p.m. in the Worship Center and online.

Meditation Series For Lent

Contemplative Ministries at Saint Peter is offering a meditation series to prepare and strengthen you in your Lenten Journey. Join in each Wednesday morning during Lent at 8:00. Meditations will be on Zoom using the same link for hybrid worship. No need to sign up. Just join in when you can.

First Holy Communion Class April 9th

Has your child expressed curiosity about Holy Communion? Do you feel that they are ready to receive this gift of grace, forgiveness and eternal life?

Pastor Vera and Miss Mary would like to provide your child/ren instruction about the Sacrament of Holy Communion. This class will help our children understand both the significance of our Baptism and Holy Communion, what it means to be completely welcomed to the Lord’s table, and stories related to our traditions involving sharing meals together. First Communion Instruction will be held on Saturday, April 9, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. at Saint Peter. Please RSVP to Miss Mary or the church office by April 2, so we can gather enough supplies.

Seder Meal Sunday, April 10 At 4:30 P.M.

As brothers and sisters in Christ and as family to our Jewish brothers and sisters, we will gather for a Seder Meal to honor the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt. It is the meal that Jesus came to Jerusalem to celebrate with his disciples before he was betrayed by Judas. The planning group is excited to offer you this profound opportunity Palm Sunday afternoon, April 10 at 4:30 in the Fellowship Hall at Saint Peter.

The day we host a Passover Seder is the very day Jesus entered Jerusalem to the sounds of celebration and to celebrate the Passover himself. Of course, those sounds turned to hateful cries for his crucifixion on Good Friday.

The Seder we celebrate will undoubtedly bless your Holy Week journey. A Sign-Up Genius is included here: RSVPs are required. All are welcome

Easter Lilies For The Season

The giving of Easter Lilies is a way to remember someone and beautify Saint Peter during the Easter Season. There are three ways you can purchase an Easter Lily this year (suggested donation of $10):

1. Envelopes to purchase an Easter Lily are in the chair pockets in the Worship Center. You can drop your envelope and donation in the offering plate at the back of the Worship Center.

2. Mail your check to the Saint Peter Lutheran Church office.

3. Donate through Vanco at

You may designate your Easter Lily for the honor or memory of someone or to the glory of God. The deadline is Palm Sunday, April 10.

Next All Ages LIFT (Living In Faith Together) On April 10th

The next LIFT session is April 10th immediately following the Sunday morning Worship Service. All are welcome whether you’ve attended this all-ages faith formation event before or not.

See the table in the Narthex and help yourself to a bag of relaxing kinetic sand. Take home a finger labyrinth perfect for Lenten meditation. Take home a cut-out hand to practice mindful band breathing! All of these items were distributed at previous LIFT sessions and are examples of some of the fun things we do during LIFT.

Spring Clean Up Property Work Days Apr 23 And May 14

The StPLC Property Team invites you to help with two spring cleanup days around the church property on April 23 and May 14, from 9 a.m. to noon. Stay as long as you can.

We'll pick up the trash that has accumulated over the winter, weed the flower beds by the front entrance, the labyrinth and the church sign, and rake up needles along Belleview and elsewhere. We'll also spread mulch under the new spruce tree at the west entrance and by the neighbor’s tennis courts.

We invite everyone to bring loppers, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, trash bags, etc. All ages are welcome. We look forward to making the outside of the church as inviting as the inside.

High School Youth Invited To Support Those In Ukraine On May 14

WHAT: Sorting and packing medical supplies to be sent directly to Ukraine

WHERE: Project CURE at 10377 E Geddes Ave. Centennial 80112

WHEN: Saturday, May 14, 10 a.m.-noon

WHO: High school youth aged 15 and older

WHY: For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. – Matthew 25:35

Please keep this date available for us to participate in this opportunity to be the heart and hands of Christ to those who are suffering. Right now we have only 10 spots available. Please let Miss Mary know if you are interested and she will hold a spot for you.

New Library At Saint Peter

Next time you are in the church building, take a look in the Fellowship Hall at the bookshelves in the southeast corner of the room. Saint Peter staff culled the volumes of books collected over the years to display only those books you’re likely to enjoy.

There are already a number of great reads on the shelves including some of Miss Mary’s faves, classics recommended by Pastor Dave and devotional resources. Plus a whole lot more!

You are welcome to borrow a book anytime. You’re also welcome to donate a book or two. Please place donations in the box in the Fellowship Hall so staff can find a place on the shelves. Right now, we could use more current books for older children and teens.