Saint Peter Lutheran Church

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Spiritual Practice Highlight: Lectio Divina (Divine Reading)

Lectio Divina is a technique of slow, contemplative praying of the scripture which enables the Bible, the Word of God, to become a means of union with God. It begins with cultivating the ability to listen deeply, to hear “with the ear of our hearts”, listening for the still, small voice of God to speak to us personally - not loudly, but intimately. In Lectio we read slowly, attentively, gently listening to hear a word or phrase that is God’s word for us this day. These special words or verses can give a sense of encouragement, comfort, thankfulness, or conviction that often applies to present situations and can draw us closer to God.

Practicing Lectio Divina

  1. Choose a text or Scripture that you wish to pray.

  2. Place yourself in a comfortable position and allow yourself to become silent, focus on your breathing.

  3. Slowly and gently read the text. Savor each portion of the reading, constantly listening for the “still, small voice” of a word or phrase that somehow says, “I am for you today.”

  4. During the second reading, reflect on what touches you, perhaps speaking the response aloud or writing in a journal. Allow this inner pondering, this rumination, to invite you into dialogue with God. How is God speaking to you?

  5. After reading the passage a third time, respond with a prayer or expression of what you have experienced. What is God calling to you this day or this week? Experience God using the word or phrase that has been given to you as a means of blessing, of transformation.

  6. Finally, rest in silence after a fourth reading feeling God’s embrace.