Pastor Vera Guebert-Steward,
Bridge Pastor

Born and raised in Southern Illinois, Pr. Vera grew up in the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.

She attended Concordia College in Saint Paul, Minnesota where she received a BA with an emphasis in Christian Education and Youth Ministry. After college, she worked as a Youth Director at an AELC congregation on the north shore of Long Island in Manhasset, NY.

She moved to Colorado in 1985 and worked as a Minister of Education and Youth at All Saints Lutheran Church in Aurora. In 1990 she began studying at the Vincentian Institute of Pastoral Studies in Denver, and in 1995 she received a Master of Arts Degree in Theology.

In 1995 she attended Pacific Lutheran Theological Seminary in Berkeley where she received a Master of Divinity, the degree which readied her for Word and Sacrament Ministry as an Ordained Pastor. After her ordination, she served the Rocky Mountain Synod and the ELCA as an Outreach Pastor for five congregations including Saint Peter in South Metro Denver. She also served as an Associate Pastor at Trinity Lutheran Church in Boulder, Colorado and until her retirement in June of 2021 she spent 20+ years at Evergreen Lutheran Church as their Senior Pastor. 

Pr. Vera has been married to Mark Guebert-Steward for 38 wonderful years. 

Lynn Sherpe takes care of administrative needs at Saint Peter Lutheran, as well as serves as a Stephen Minister.

Lynn Sherpe, Parish Administrator

Lynn's family has attended Saint Peter since January 1993, and she joined the staff in March 2003 after a long and fruitful career with Texaco.

Lynn has many administrative and management duties at the church, but Lynn most enjoys working and volunteering side-by-side with the faithful and gifted group of people at the church. Lynn is a trained Stephen Minister/Stephen Ministry Leader.

Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace.
— 1 Peter 4:10
Music Minister Beryl Fanslow leads the music ministry, choir, band, children's choir, and bell choir at Saint Peter Lutheran Church in Greenwood Village.

Beryl Fanslow Wilson, Music Minister

Beryl is a passionate choral musician dedicated to uplifting individuals and enriching worship through song. Beryl has been called to music her whole life. She picked up a violin at three, joined a choir at six, decided to be a choral conductor in the 5th grade, and eventually earned her Master’s in Music.

Ensemble music is Beryl’s passion and her vocation. She loves the camaraderie, energy, and fellowship. When she’s not singing and directing, she is probably hiking or chasing her 6-year-old son.

Arielle Wilson is the pianist and organist for the worship band and choir at  Saint Peter Lutheran Church in Greenwood Village, Colorado.

Arielle Wilson, Accompanist and Congregation Communications

In addition to playing and singing with the choir and the band, Arielle works with Saint Peter’s ministry leaders to get the word out about church events and initiatives. She energizes and informs the community through weekly newsletters, regular blog posts, Facebook posts and more.

Arielle has a background in marketing and audience engagement for local music groups and public radio. Arielle is also a classically-trained pianist who loves yoga, hiking, and road trips with her family.