Joshua Station Community Meal - October 25th

A letter from Jeanne Maloney, Faith Formation Ministries at Saint Peter.

I do a little yoga now and then, and my instructor ends every session like most instructors by bowing to the class and saying “Namaste.” What I love is her interpretation of Namaste, “the light in me, honors the light in you.”

In our Christian tradition, the light is Christ. Isn’t that a beautiful sentiment, “the Christ in me, honors the Christ in you”? This describes exactly what happens when we participate in acts of service. We are the face of Christ to those we serve, but they also are the face of Christ for us. As Matthew 25 points out, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” We experience Christ in the flesh when we look into the eyes of the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and the prisoner.

We have a powerful opportunity to experience Christ as we serve the Community Meal to our brothers and sisters that live at Joshua Station (I-25 and 8th Ave.). Joshua Station is a transformational and transitional housing community of mostly single moms (some dads) and their children, together they are working on overcoming homelessness.

On Thursday, October 25, Saint Peter is preparing the meal, serving the meal, and sitting with the families to share the meal. This is an opportunity for members of all ages, families are encouraged to serve together. Everyone is invited to participate in whatever role fits your ability and your schedule.