StPLC Annual Meeting Recap
The Saint Peter Annual Meeting took place last Sunday. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to the 2018 Annual Report (which is now available on the Saint Peter website). It was a busy afternoon at the church. The high school kids sold sack lunches as a fundraiser for their upcoming Mexico trip, the younger children made communion bread and the adults heard about the StPLC budget and much more. If you were unable to attend, minutes of the meeting will be available by the end of February.
Faith Forum Series Continues: Taking The Bible Seriously
As we read the Bible, it becomes clear that there is not one right way of interpreting who God is and how God relates to the world. The Bible is a compilation of stories of generations of faithful people navigating through their experiences with the Divine in their particular time and culture. How we understand being Christian depends on how we read the Bible. The Bible is not something to be “believed” in, but to be in relationship with. These next few weeks, we will embark on a journey that explores the many aspects of the Bible as we challenge some of our comfortable understandings about the Bible. Please join us on Sunday mornings from 9:40 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. in the Covenant Hall.
Monthly Faith Focus: Joy Not Happiness
I read John 15 about two years after my family moved in with my parents to help take care of my father who was suffering from Alzheimer’s. Those of you who have been caregivers for someone you love can appreciate how challenging this can be both emotionally and physically, while at the same time one of the most life-giving and rewarding things you can do. I remember being struck by Jesus’ words of promise that as we love one another we may experience joy. I was having a hard time that day feeling any particular joy as my heart was breaking at the decline of my dad and the daily challenges of caring for him, all while knowing that I couldn’t love him any more than I did. To read the rest of this month’s faith focus written by Jeanne Maloney, visit the Saint Peter blog.
21-Day Prayer Challenge Content Available Online
Whether or not you participated in the January Prayer Challenge, you can now access all of the content on the Saint Peter website at No password is needed. The content will remain online for the time being so that you can access any of the prayer exercises at your convenience.
Time to Sign Up for Soup Suppers
As we do every Lenten Season, there will be a soup supper before Wednesday evening worship service at Saint Peter during Lent. To pull this off, we need your help.Please take a look at the official sign-up sheet (posted in the Narthex) and find ways to contribute. We encourage individuals, families, and vwhole ministry teams to sign up. (Thank you to the D.E.S.I.G.N. Team for already committing!) The dates for the soup suppers include March 13, March 20, March 27, April 3 and April 10.
Youth and Family Workshop and Service Project
Join the Youth and Family Ministry Team on Sunday, March 3rd after the second worship service to brainstorm ideas on faith and family. Lunch and childcare will be provided.
New Lettering
A special thank you to Katie Dehmlow for adding the welcome language and the StPLC mission statement to the Narthex and Worship Center walls.
Nursery Attendants Wanted
Do you love kids and want to earn extra spending money? Saint Peter is currently looking to hire a few nursery attendants. What does a nursery attendant do? They provide a fun and safe environment for children during church activities including church services and ministry meetings.
The ideal candidate would:
love working with children.
have a basic understanding of childcare needs.
be able to lift up to 50lbs.
have or willing to obtain Babysitting/First Aid Certification,.
pass a background check.
availability weeknight evenings, Saturday mornings, Sunday mornings.
If you or someone you know may be interested, please contact Tabitha Strezo - or 708-989-9348.
Job Opening for Case Worker at The Village Resource Center
The Village Resource Center (VRC) is an inter-faith center in Greenwood Village that provides financial assistance and referrals to people in financial need. The focus is on rental assistance. The VRC is looking for someone to work six hours a week at $16/hour as a case worker. The role includes answering calls and meeting with individuals on Friday afternoons to assess needs. Experience in case management preferred. We are looking for someone with a compassionate heart, excellent follow-through, and good communication skills with individuals and groups.
Please send resumes to Rev. Barb Lyons at
Chick Lit’s February and March Books
Saint Peter’s “Chick Lit” group meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7:00 p.m. to enjoy fellowship and discuss that month's book. Join us this month on February 21st to discuss Transcription by Kate Atkinson. In March we will read A Place for Us by Fatima Farheen Mirza. All women are invited. Contact Lori Williams or Kristen Raleigh with questions.
Church Chicks Upcoming Events
Saint Peter Church Chicks’ first Dress for Success clothing drive was a resounding success! We donated over 75 articles of professional clothing, shoes and accessories to the Dress for Success organization this past weekend. Because we had such a great response, and have also gotten requests to donate more, we will do another professional clothing drive at the end of February for delivery on March 9th.
Also, at coffee last Saturday, we discussed serving lunch at The Delores Project on March 2nd. We will prepare chicken and rice soup and garden salad to serve along with bread and tea for 50 to 60 people. Many hands make light work! Please let Annie Heath know if you are interested in preparing and or serving lunch for this opportunity to love our neighbors.
Thank you all for your continued support of the Church Chicks in our Women Helping Women initiatives.
Ministry Feature: StPLC Men’s Group
Twice a month (on the first and third Tuesdays) a group of gentlemen from Saint Peter gather at a local pub for a special kind of happy hour that "celebrates our love for God through fellowship and friendship." This is a fun opportunity to get to know other men of the church and enjoy each other in a different setting.
In addition to happy hour, the Men’s Group also stages the All-Daughter's Brunch on Mother's Day Weekend, and has done so for eight years! In 2018, more than 50 women enjoyed a brunch buffet in the Fellowship Hall, with the royal treatment provided by three generations of men. To get on the email list and be notified of upcoming events, contact Steve Haigh. All are welcome!
This article is one in a series of articles that will feature different ministries at Saint Peter.
Save the Date: Bishop Jim Gonia Joins Us for Reformation Sunday
Every year on the last Sunday in October, we Lutherans recognize the Reformation, which began in the 16th Century with Martin Luther and his colleagues, and continues through us today. This year we will do the same and enjoy the good company of Rocky Mountain Synod Bishop, the Rev. Jim Gonia. We will have one worship service that day, at 9:00 a.m. Then at 10:15 a.m. Bishop Gonia will make a special presentation to the congregation: “Claiming Our Gifts.” This interactive presentation highlights 14 key gifts of the Holy Spirit that are given to the church.
Don’t forget to set Saint Peter as your preferred charity so that we receive funds!