August 28, 2020, StPLC Events Update

Last Call For Saint Peter Face Masks!

The Stephen Ministry Team wants to remind you that the deadline for Saint Peter face masks is this coming Monday, August 31st. Follow this link - - to see the mask options. You can download an order form from there or head to Saint Peter’s Vanco portal to buy online ( All masks will be delivered by mid-September.

One More Week To Meet Your Selian Fundraising Goals

This year’s Selian Run/Walk Fundraiser will wrap up on September 6th. Have you signed up? Have you gotten closer to your fitness goals? It’s not too late to support Saint Peter’s favorite organization in Tanzania. Get all the details here.

A Monthlong God's Work. Our Hands. Opportunity For Service

This year at Saint Peter, God's Work. Our Hands. will be a monthlong opportunity for service. The GWOH committee has compiled a number of projects for people of all ages and abilities to participate in. You should have received a letter at home with all the details. You can also find that information in this Sunday’s issue of Our Life Together here.

Fall Book Study On Wednesday Nights

A new book study discussing Dear Church by Lenny Duncan will begin Wednesday evenings immediately following Saint Peter’s Evening Prayer (about 7:30 p.m.) on September 9th.  If you are interested, please get yourself a copy of the book. We will cover the introduction during our first gathering.  Please contact Jeanne Maloney if you have any questions.

A New Online Course For Those On The Edge Of Faith

Starting Thursday, September 10th, Saint Peter will host a five-session online course specifically designed for those who have lost their faith, contemplating whether to keep their faith or have not had a Christian community to call their own and are curious about what it's like. The course is inspired by the Christianity 101 Faith Forum Series Pastor Dave led a few years ago, one of his most well-attended series. 

If you have a friend, co-worker, neighbor or family member who has questions about Jesus, the Christian church or even Lutheranism, please share this link with them - We are not inviting Saint Peter members so we can keep the group small and less intimidating to newcomers. However, if there is enough interest, we may do a repeat performance during Sunday morning Faith Forum.

Weekly Women’s Contemplative Prayer

Ladies, due to popular demand, you will be able to participate in contemplative prayer with other Saint Peter women every Saturday. This is a great way to deepen your prayer life and get to know others at Saint Peter, too. The gatherings will alternate focus. 

First and Third Saturdays

Jeanne Maloney will lead the group from 9:00 to 10:00 a.m. via Zoom and will focus on a book for spiritual reflection. The first featured book is Henri Nouwen’s Making All Things New: An Invitation to the Spiritual Life, which will be discussed for the first time on Saturday, September 19th. Here’s the Zoom link for the odd-numbered Saturday gatherings: If you plan to attend, contact Jeanne.

Second and Fourth Saturdays

Starting Saturday, September, 12th, immediately following the 9:00 a.m. Church Chicks Virtual Coffee, Bethany Laurie will lead a meditation from 9:45 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. No need to prepare or RSVP. Just come as you are. Here’s the Zoom link for the even-numbered Saturdays:

If you haven’t checked out the StPLC women’s contemplative prayer group before, this is a great time to get started. All you need is an open heart and a desire to grow closer to God.

Faith Forum Starts Back Up September 13th

Faith Forum is starting up on Sunday, September 13th immediately following worship on the same Zoom link. There will be no preparation necessary to participate. All you need is your inquisitive mind, a passion to dig deeper into your faith and the time to connect with some new Saint Peter friends.  

Every Sunday for about a month, Faith Forum conversation will focus on a particular faith theme. If you have had something on your mind or heart that you would like to see the group cover, let Jeanne Maloney know.  See you on the 13th. 

5 Stages Toward Regathering

The Congregation Council, following the guidance of public health officials, state and county authorities, and ELCA leaders, has established a five-stage plan to guide Saint Peter toward regathering again. Although we cannot fix firm dates to each stage, the aim is to keep the congregation well informed about our progress towards once again being able to gather together as God’s people at Saint Peter.

Council determined we are currently in Stage II: Beginning To Gather. That means all Saint Peter buildings (including restrooms) are closed and outside gatherings of up to 15 people are allowed, excluding worship services, with Congregation Council approval required for each individual occasion.

For more details visit the Saint Peter COVID-19 website page where we will continue to update the information as we progress.

Don’t Forget To Send In Your Prayer Flags

The Prayer Flag installation on the StPLC labyrinth is growing! As you fill out your prayer flags during or after each gathering, please return the flags to your group leader, drop them in the basket placed outside the administration entrance to the church building or mail the flags to Jeanne Maloney. If you are not participating in Four Squares and would like to include a special prayer on a flag, contact Jeanne as well. The more flags the better!

Supporting Others During The Pandemic

Many Sundays these last few months, we’ve featured a cause or organization that could use our support. We’ve been taking notes and have listed summaries on this page that is featured on Check it out and see what you may have missed and how you can give back to so many folks who could use extra prayers during the pandemic.