January 22, 2021, StPLC Events Update

2021 Annual Meeting, Join Us For Budget Approval

Join your fellow Saint Peter members for this year's annual meeting, which will look much different than years past. On Sunday, February 14th following worship (on the same Zoom link), we will go over an abbreviated annual report and approve the 2021 budget. Please plan to attend. Your vote counts!

Faith In Action Hosts Dialogues On Sexuality Starting This Sunday

The Faith in Action (FIA) Leadership Team is hosting the next Faith Forum series beginning this Sunday, January 24th, around the topic of sexuality.  The Sparkhouse curriculum Dialogues On Sexuality will guide the discussions (similar to the Dialogues On Race and Dialogues On Refugees curriculum used in the 2019 StPLC Faith Table Talks).

Whether you are hoping Saint Peter becomes a Reconciling in Christ congregation or find yourself uneasy discussing any topic on sex, you are welcome to the conversation and invited to participate at whatever level you are comfortable with. There will be essays to guide us each week, but the readings are optional.

Want To Donate Your Stimulus Check To A Worthy Cause?

If you are like many of the members of the FIA Leadership Team, you feel called to put the money you received as part of the latest round of stimulus checks toward a cause that helps our neighbors in crisis. Below is a list of ministry partners Saint Peter members often support. To make a donation you are welcome to do so directly with the organization or through the Saint Peter Vanco portal (making sure to indicate which organization you want the funds to go to) here https://bit.ly/2PuVYzR.

  • The Village Resource Center (VRC) is a cooperative venture between six Christian congregations in Greenwood Village and Cherry Hills Village that provides financial relief to individuals/families to help keep them in their homes.

  • The Delores Project is a Denver facility that provides safe, reliable shelter and housing for women. Saint Peter’s own Church Chicks regularly provide meals.

  • Covenant Cupboard addresses food security needs seniors, disabled individuals, and the unemployed or underemployed households in our community in a compassionate, dignified and secure environment.

  • Lutheran Family Services (LFS) walks with the most vulnerable by offering services that heal, strengthen and provide hope.

  • Joshua Station in is a faith-based community helping families make the transition from homelessness to a healthy, stable living environment.

Family Ministries Update


Family Ministries is grateful to have had so many participants in the Blessing of Our Households during Epiphany this year. We are creating traditions that help us build our faith lives at home! Check out the photos shared on Facebook (www.facebook.com/stplc) and the Family Ministries webpage (www.stplc.org/family-ministries). (Pictured here: Huck and Luca Hays in front of their home’s Epiphany Blessing.)

Consider sharing these links with grandparents and friends. What a great way to share what is going on at Saint Peter with those who might be interested in participating with us!  Just as Philip said to Nathanael in last week’s Gospel lesson (John 1:46), “Come and See!”

Get inspired about God’s word from the skits performed by the fabulous Strezos.  Additionally, you will find a video showing a snack or a craft each week that connects with the week’s skit and provides questions for deepening the lesson, enabling families to have caring conversations with family members. I love the way we are being intentional about building faith at home, just as Jesus showed us.

Stay tuned for a new video as well as family activities for the Lenten Season. Contact Mary Pratt with questions.

Introduction To Meditation And Prayer, Week 2 Recap

The Prayer and Meditation 101 workshop continues at Saint Peter! In this second week of the workshop, we discussed how to move from mindfulness to a focused meditation practice. Sometimes when we sit in silence, our thoughts and feelings can be distracting. This week we practiced using visualization to help us focus on our meditation. We also explored how to set an intention for our meditation. When we meditate on a specific intention we can increase our awareness and respond with peace, love and encouragement to people, tasks or events taking place around us.

Coming up in Week 3 we will take what we have learned about mindfulness and meditation and connect it to our exploration of the Divine as people of faith.

Your Stephen Ministers Are Here To Help

Call the church office at 303-770-9300 or email stephenministry@stplc.org and we will get you connected to an active Saint Peter Stephen Minister.

Call the church office at 303-770-9300 or email stephenministry@stplc.org and we will get you connected to an active Saint Peter Stephen Minister.