May 22, 2020, StPLC Events Update

Plan For Faith Forum NEXT Sunday (May 31)

There will not be Faith Forum this coming Sunday (May 24th) because it's Memorial Day Weekend. We will finish up the current series on the book Love Wins next Sunday (May 31st) with a special guest, Pastor David Lose. He is the well-known Lutheran author of the Making Sense of... book series, including Making Sense of the Cross.

StPLC Survey Ends Tuesday

The Saint Peter staff and council greatly appreciate getting everyone’s feedback about worship, communications and other aspects of our life together. If you haven’t already, please take a couple of minutes to share your thoughts. We will compile the results and share them with you next week.

Property Clean-Up Day June 6th

Bring your mask and your garden tools and join the StPLC Property Team Saturday, June 6, starting at 8:00 a.m. Everyone will have their own corner of the property to focus on to ensure social distancing and to ensure our church grounds stay looking nice. 

If you would prefer to contribute to property upkeep at a different day/time, you are welcome to do so. Please connect with Dave Prichard for suggestions on where to focus your time. Just remember to keep your distance from others, use your own tools and dispose of any trash and clippings properly.

Women’s Contemplative Prayer Group

All women of Saint Peter are invited to come together for contemplative prayer on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month. The first meeting will be Saturday, June 6th at 9:00 a.m. online.

Previously, the Saturday morning group focused on a book, but this time around there will be no preparation necessary. All you have to do is show up with an open heart.

To give you a feel for what the group is like, here’s a short write-up from past participant Lynn Sherpe: At the beginning, I was intrigued to be part of something that entirely centered on the presence of God, but I was also a little frightened to try something new. But now, I’m so glad I got involved. Creating a contemplative prayer practice has helped me see more clearly that Christ is present in all I do and all I am. In prayer, I’ve stopped trying to come up with the correct answer (the black and white world we live in). I now look at prayer in new ways. Plus, the group is very loving and gentle. The thoughts shared are kept confidential and have been received by others with acceptance. I have never felt judged.

Contact Jeanne Maloney with questions.


New Saint Peter Marketing Artwork

Saint Peter has some new artwork for our emails and future marketing materials. A HUGE thank you to Brittany Hass for donating her graphic design skills and her time to make this happen. You can learn more about Brittany’s work as an art director and brand designer through her company, Paper Glee, at You can also see some of her personal and professional art explorations in watercolor, pen and ink and other mediums on Instagram (@paperglee).

Have You Heard From Your StPLC Care Caller?

In late March/early April, Saint Peter started a new Care Calling ministry. It connects one Saint Peter member with another so that we all stay in touch during this time of social distancing and virtual worship. If you have not yet heard from a Care Caller and would like to, please let the Saint Peter staff know. (Send a note to

The Church Building Remains Closed

The church building and grounds remain closed until further notice. Groups that want to meet at Saint Peter need to consult with the Congregation Council before scheduling or holding events. It’s up to all of us to keep each other safe! For now, Saint Peter is working best by meeting online. Thanks for understanding.

Become An Online Worship Servant

Are you interested in reading aloud during online worship? It's pretty easy when you get to do it from the comfort of your own home. You'll even get some Zoom training! There are opportunities for you to participate in Sunday morning worship and Wednesday evening prayer as a lector or assisting minister. If interested, reach out to Janet Okerman or Pastor Dave.

Continued Giving To StPLC

During these times when we are unable to gather, our ministry expenses remain constant. If you are able to support the work of Saint Peter, we would be deeply grateful. Most banks will set up automatic payments free of charge or you can make contributions through Vanco, Saint Peter’s vendor for payment processing. Visit the StPLC home page or follow this link: To avoid high credit card processing fees paid by Saint Peter, please consider giving by check. The echeck process is easy and cost-effective!