November 20, 2020, StPLC Events Update — Saint Peter Lutheran Church

November 20, 2020, StPLC Events Update


  • Friday, November 27th at 5:00 p.m. on the same Zoom link as worship

  • Saturday, November 28th between 11am and 3pm in the Saint Peter parking lot

 This is an activity for ALL families of any size and any age. Candles, wreath form, activities for children, an Advent devotional and some decorations will be included in a kit just for you! You may wish to add your own fresh greens and your personal touch.

If you would like to make an Advent wreath on your own or along with others via Zoom, stop by the church parking lot on Tuesday, November 24th between 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. or Friday, November 27th between 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. or to pick up a kit. Helpers will be masked, distanced and will place the kit in your car for you. If you need to receive a wreath kit directly at your home, a volunteer can bring one to you. Just let Mary Pratt know!

Other Family Ministries News

New Video! Miss Mary has a new video on YouTube at You can also visit any time for the latest updates and videos.

South Metro Denver Thanksgiving Eve Worship Service Next Wednesday

You are invited to an evening of gratitude, generosity, and prayer.

When: Wednesday, November 25th at 7:00 p.m.

Who: You! The service is sponsored by the Lutheran congregations of the South-Metro Conference ELCA.

We look forward to worshiping together!

Faith Forum: Share With Others What Belongs To God

This Sunday at Faith Forum (10:30 a.m. on the same Zoom log-in address you use for worship), we will be focused on the third Habit of Discipleship: Generosity. It is inaccurate to think that generosity is an innate personal quality. In other words, it is not the case that some people are generous and others aren’t. While generosity comes more easily to some of us, it is a life to which all followers of Jesus are called.

Generosity is grounded in stewardship (what a coincidence that we have this focus on Commitment Sunday at Saint Peter!). Stewardship is the belief that nothing we control — our possessions, our wealth, our time, our energy, our attention — belongs to us personally. All of this belongs to God, and we are entrusted with it for a time. When we come to understand that nothing was ours to keep in the first place, we can find ourselves freed up to share with others what actually belongs to God.

As generosity becomes part of the foundation for our lives, it dramatically impacts our experience. It opens our hearts to connections with others. When we hold on, tight-fisted, to what we possess, we are incapable of giving or receiving. But when we manage our resources with open hands, we find ourselves able to give and to receive.

This Sunday we’ll focus on what it is like to practice generosity in our lives. Whether you’re just beginning to experience this or have decades of experience with it, we’d love to have you join us!

Contemplative Prayer Open To All

If you haven’t had a chance to check out contemplative prayer at Saint Peter, this is your chance. It is a great opportunity to find some quiet and community during the busyness of the end of the year to connect with God and one another. 

 Please be on the lookout for new contemplative opportunities in 2021.


Catechism Carries On

Catechism may look a little different this year due to COVID-19, but that isn't stopping our youth from having fun and building relationships in faith! Last weekend our Catechism youth gathered together for a virtual game night (see photo). They enjoyed a fun evening of games, fellowship and lots of laughter.

The Catechism team has decided to focus on fellowship, worship and service this year as our youth navigate living through the pandemic. Formal instruction will continue next year with our current 8th-grade group being confirmed in their 9th-grade year. If you see any of these youth in worship, say hello and reach out to get to know them.

The StPLC MOPS crew helped stuff over 300 stockings last Saturday! This is an annual Christmas tradition for the group since 2015.

The StPLC MOPS crew helped stuff over 300 stockings last Saturday! This is an annual Christmas tradition for the group since 2015.


Important Upcoming Events

  • Friday, November 20 - Rainbow Trail High School Retreat

  • Sunday, November 22 - Stewardship Sunday

  • Wednesday, November 25 - Metro South ELCA Online Thanksgiving Worship

  • Thursday, November 26 - Thanksgiving Day

  • Friday, November 27 - Wreath Decorating with Miss Mary on Zoom

  • Saturday, November 28 - Wreath Decorating with Miss Mary at StPLC

  • Sunday, November 29 - First Sunday in Advent

  • Wednesday, December 2 - First Wednesday Worship in Advent

  • Friday, December 4 - Covenant Cupboard Toy Distribution

  • Tuesday, December 8 - Colorado Gives Day

  • Friday, December 11 - Covenant Cupboard Toy Distribution
