Update from Church Council: In-Person Worship at Saint Peter
On Tuesday, November 16th the Church Council met and adopted the following pertaining to worship:
Reiterated that masks are required for all worshipers 4 years old and up. After much deliberation, Council voted to continue the mask policy. We believe wearing masks is an important act of love and respect for one another.
That we move to one hybrid worship service (in person and Zoom together) at 9 am on Sunday mornings effective December 5, 2021. The timing is subject to the completion of the remaining internet upgrades and the necessary technical equipment being in place.
No Touch communion with bread and wine will be offered adjacent to the altar. Individual packets will still be available for those who prefer that option.
Singing with masks will be allowed.
Passing of the peace will take place as an important part of our liturgy. People will be able to indicate their comfort level with interactions by wearing a colored clothespin (provided when you walk into the church). Red means- happy to be here but I will be keeping my distance and please keep yours; yellow- proceed with caution, I may give you an elbow or first bump while keeping my distance; green- I am completely comfortable with sharing the peace in the Saint Peter way.
We will be sending out a survey to our members pertaining to Christmas Eve worship.
Online Advent Meditations Each Wednesday
Advent meditations are once again being offered at Saint Peter! Meditations are occurring each Wednesday in Advent after the Prayer Service. We will be on the same Zoom link as the worship service, so stay on or join at 7:30. Meditations will be 30 minutes and focus on art from the St. John's illustrated Bible.
Volunteers Needed For Covenant Cupboard Toy Drive Next 2 Fridays
The Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry Toy Drive takes place at Saint Peter this Friday, December 3, and next Friday, December 10. Volunteers are needed for both Fridays at the church and out and about shopping. If you are available, please contact Shelly Hunter or Vicky Simpson.
Deck The Halls With The DESIGN Team This Saturday
We missed decorating last year, so let’s make this year’s Christmas extra special. This coming Saturday, December 4th at 9:00 a.m. the DESIGN team would love your help decorating! Team leaders will take an area, and you can step in any way you want. There will be both outdoor and indoor decorating in several areas of the church.
Following the decorating, the DESIGN team will treat you to a chili/soup lunch! Come when you can and stay for as long as you can! Let’s beautify the church for Advent and Christmas!
Also, mark your calendars for un-decorating on January 2nd following the second service. Many hands make light work!
Thank you to all who attended last Saturday’s Advent Fest! Be on the lookout for photos in this coming Sunday’s issue of Our Life Together.
Advent Emails From Miss Mary
This Advent Season, you will receive weekly emails from Miss Mary. Each week will focus on a different theme starting with hope. Inside this first email, you’ll get the instructions for how to add to the Advent prayer chain on display in the Saint Peter Worship Center.
High School Youth Gathering At Saint Peter This Saturday
When: This Coming Sunday, December 12, noon to 2 p.m.
Where: Saint Peter Lutheran Church
Who: All high schoolers and 8th graders from Saint Peter, Covenant Church and St. Gabriel Church
What: Walking Tacos for lunch with games, including Capture the Flag, Get the Bacon and Nerf!
Covid protocols will be followed regarding masking and distancing while indoors. Be sure to dress appropriately for being outside most of the time.
PLEASE LET MISS MARY KNOW BY December 5, IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO ATTEND! We need to make sure we have the food and Nerf supplies we need!
Any questions and to RSVP, contact Miss Mary.
If You Aren’t In A LIFT Group, You Can Still Participate At Home
Small intergenerational groups are meeting all around town and people of all ages are discovering the fun of building community through our shared faith, in homes and at Saint Peter! Even if you are not part of a formal group, you can still participate!
Access the user-friendly “Study Guide” including the major parts of each LIFT session at www.stplc.org/family-ministries. There you’ll find a link for each session including Family Stories, Friends Breakfast, Family Forgiveness, and Serving Others. You will need to use the code “StPLCgroups” to access the copyrighted materials. You may also pick up printed Study Guides in the outside bin at the east entrance.
Advent Wreaths 2021
Please let Miss Mary know if you do not have an Advent Wreath for your household. We have some supplies from our “One Wreath for Every Household” initiative from 2020! We will put a bag containing everything you need to assemble your own Advent Wreath in the bin outside the east side doors, for you! What a wonderful way for us to all be connected during this beautiful season of hopeful waiting, we call Advent!
Colorado Gives Day
Colorado Gives Day is Tuesday, December 7th!
Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp
This is a HUGE day for Rainbow Trail Lutheran Camp. The money raised on this day helps the camp provide cozy, welcoming facilities and top-notch staff, as well as camperships so that no one will ever be turned away. In addition to your gift, there is $1.6 million that will be distributed to non-profits based on their percentage of the total raised on Colorado Gives Day. Rainbow Trail’s annual fund has been greatly affected by the land purchase capital appeal. Therefore, all the proceeds from Colorado Gives Day will go to Rainbow Trail’s annual fund. Last year they raised $108,537. They have set a goal of $89,000 for this year. You can pre-schedule your gift by going to the link and clicking the button to schedule your gift.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat Metro Denver Colorado Gives Day goes directly to the Habitat Metro Denver tile on the Colorado Gives site, where you can pre-schedule a donation if you would like to set it up in advance. If you prefer to go directly to the Colorado Gives website – please make sure to select “Habitat Metro Denver” and not just “Habitat” as there are several Habitat affiliates listed.