Get Your 2023 StPLC Directory Photo Taken This Saturday
Lil’ Angels Photography is coming to Saint Peter on Saturday, December 10 to take your directory photo - at no cost! All you have to do is reserve your time online here. If you have trouble signing up or there are no slots available, contact Sara Lancaster. There may be an opportunity to add additional slots.
You are welcome to purchase additional photos at your own expense. If you already have a photo you’d like to use in the directory that works too! There will be a call for photos in the new year.
Shown here: Steve Haigh giving his announcement last Sunday. Good lookin’ group!
Have You Made Your Stewardship Commitment Yet?
StPLC’s hoped-for 2023 spending plan is $600,000. We can so far project receiving about $495,000 in 2023. We have faith that yearend gifts, offering plate donations and other giving will make up the difference.
We can happily report that we are at 76% of our goal to receive 92 commitment cards. If you haven’t yet submitted yours, visit to let the Church Financial Secretary know what your plans for financial giving are in 2023. By doing this, you empower church leaders to create an accurate budget for 2023 and make way for inspired ministry.
Poinsetta time! If you wish to purchase a poinsettia to be placed around the altar at Christmas, complete an envelope found in the pew pocket. You may designate your poinsettia for the honor or memory of someone, or to the glory of God. Just fill out the information on the outside of the envelope, include your $10 donation and place it in the offering plate. The last day to purchase will be December 18th.
Ms. Mary’s Epic Book List Now Includes A Christmas Category!
Are you seeking a picture book that could become part of your family Christmas tradition? (I know of one family who wraps the same 24 picture books every year and opens one each day during Advent!) Ms. Mary highly recommends these three books, all of which you can find in Saint Peter’s shared library (in the Fellowship Hall).
Nativity by Cynthia Rylant Rylant’s includes stunning illustrations. The words are all taken from Matthew chapter five and from Luke chapters two and six. She has included not only the story of Jesus’ birth but also Jesus as a young man, teaching what has become his Sermon on the Mount. All Ages.
The ABCs of Christmas by Jo Parker begins with the story of Christmas, covering the details of Jesus’ birth, intended as an overview for children able to listen and understand details. The rest of this board book is a playful reminder of what Christmas is all about, in alphabetical order! Ages 0-5.
Who Is Coming to Our House? by Joseph Slate tells the story of the birth of Jesus from the perspective of animals in the barn, excitedly preparing for this special baby. The text is minimalist, so this beautifully illustrated board book is especially appropriate for the youngest among us.
Find Ms. Mary’s full list of recommended children’s books on the StPLC blog.
Sacred Choral Sunday, Dec 11th
This coming Sunday will have a special focus on music. We welcome guest singers from the Castle Rock Chorale, led by Saint Peter's own musicians, Arielle and Beryl. The StPLC Jubilate Choir will be singing, too! You don’t want to miss it.
This coming Sunday is a LIFT Sunday. After Worship, let's continue to explore Advent together in the Fellowship Sunday. All ages are invited to gather, break bread, read scripture, pray and play! Last LIFT we had a wonderful time with breakfast burritos and activities and this week promises to be fun, too!
Pray-Ground Is Back
Hopefully, you saw the changes in the Worship Center last Sunday. The Pray-Ground is back!
This area is for toddlers and preschoolers and their caretakers who want to worship while also moving more freely. The Pray-Ground is stocked with quiet items including books, soft toys and liturgical coloring sheets, among other items. If you have older children, are a child at heart or you’d just prefer to keep your young ones in the seats you typically sit in, check out the Worship Bags hanging from the giant pencil in the Narthex. In recent months we stocked them with new materials to help draw children more deeply into worship in a participatory and engaging way.
If you have any questions, suggestions or you’d like to be a part of maintaining this sacred space for our families, please contact Ms. Mary.
StPLC On Instagram
Find your church friends on Instagram. Follow this link or search for “saintpeterlutheran” on the app and follow!
Messiah Sing-Along Dec 16th
Mark your calendar for the 8th Annual Denver Interfaith Handel's Messiah Sing-Along at Hope United Methodist Church (5101 South Dayton Street Greenwood Village, CO 80111 ) on Friday, December 16 from 7-10 p.m.
The plan is to share joy and Christmas cheer, not germs. Please wear a mask— regardless of vaccination status. Admission is free (no registration necessary), however a suggested donation of $10/person or $30/family will benefit the Village Resource Center. To access the Zoom link, go to To donate, go to:
Monday Morning Meditations Through Advent
After Thanksgiving, Contemplative Ministries is excited to offer a collection of meditations focused on Advent and our preparation for Christmas. You are invited to take a pause in the midst of this very busy season to enjoy a quiet moment with God in contemplation and prayer. These meditations will be online via Zoom on a dedicated link just for Contemplative Ministries.
Meditations begin on the first Monday in Advent, November 28th, and will be offered weekly through December 19th at 7:00 a.m. Please reach out to Bethany Laurie with questions!