Make your 2023 financial commitment to StPLC here:
Have you made your stewardship commitment yet?
Last Sunday was Stewardship Sunday! We collected commitment cards in the Worship Center and now we continue to collect commitments online.
Visit to let the Church Financial Secretary know what your plans for financial giving are in 2023.
By doing this, you empower church leaders to create an accurate budget for 2023 and make way for inspired ministry. If we have more than we need, how might StPLC enhance current ministries, revive some older ministries and maybe even start something new?
Join us on the climb up the mountain!
Lifelong Learning & Loving Every Sunday
Every Sunday after worship, there is something for everyone.
This coming Sunday, let's explore the beginning of Advent together. All ages are invited to gather, break bread, read scripture and pray for our second LIFT (Living in Faith Together) of the season. All are welcome whether you've attended previous LIFT sessions or not. Did we mention it's all ages? That means YOU are invited.
And a big thank you to everyone who attended and helped organize the Veteran’s Day LIFT celebration a couple of weeks ago. See photos and get prayers in this blog post on
Parents/Grandparents’ Night Out Friday, dec 2nd
The Next Parents’ Night Out at Saint Peter Lutheran Church is on Friday, December 2nd from 6-9 p.m. All kids are welcome!
Kids of all ages! Put on your PJs (if you want) and head to Saint Peter for pizza, games, crafts, Christmas carols, hot cocoa and cookie decoration on Friday, Dec. 2nd from 6-9 p.m.
Parents, this is your chance to drop off the kids and do that Christmas shopping. Please also consider bringing a new gift for the families of Covenant Cupboard, too. Questions? Ask Ms. Mary. Sign up by Nov 30th on Signup Genius.
Toy Drive deadline November 19th Dec 3rd
Demand at Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry is at its peak. Please consider donating new Christmas gifts to families in need. To purchase a new gift for a child or for multiple children, sign up here.
Drop off gifts at Saint Peter Lutheran Church on Saturday, December 3rd, between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m. (noon).
Are You Called To Serve On StPLC Council?
In the last six months, the Saint Peter community developed an updated Vision and Mission statement and is now working to develop a strategic plan and a budget to work towards the new Vision and Mission. Within the next four to six months the call team and council hope to present a new pastor to the StPLC Congregation for approval. Once approved, there will be many activities organized to welcome and support the new pastor and their family.
With that, the council would like to invite four people to join the group to serve two years beginning February 2023. There are a lot of exciting opportunities before us. Let’s work to build and support our StPLC staff and volunteers and live into our vision and mission.
How about you? Please prayerfully consider serving and speak with Pastor Michael about this important ministry.
Generous and gracious God, Bless the work and ministry of the Call Committee. Give them the gifts of faithful listening, patience, wisdom and discernment as they seek the pastor to guide and partner with us that we might be fed by your holy word and sacraments and grow in faith, love and ministry. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
“Generous and gracious God, Bless the work and ministry of the Call Committee. Give them the gifts of faithful listening, patience, wisdom and discernment as they seek the pastor to guide and partner with us that we might be fed by your holy word and sacraments and grow in faith, love and ministry. In Jesus’ name. Amen.”
Monday Morning Meditations Through Advent
After Thanksgiving, Contemplative Ministries is excited to offer a collection of meditations focused on Advent and our preparation for Christmas. You are invited to take a pause in the midst of this very busy season to enjoy a quiet moment with God in contemplation and prayer. These meditations will be online via Zoom on a dedicated link just for Contemplative Ministries.
Meditations begin on the first Monday in Advent, November 28th, and will be offered weekly through December 19th at 7:00 a.m. Please reach out to Bethany Laurie with questions!
Christmas Decorating And Lunch Sunday, Dec 4th At StPLC
On Sunday, Dec 4th (yes, Sunday), the D.E.S.I.G.N. team would love for you to help decorate! Activities will begin after service around 10 a.m. There will be team leaders for each area so you can step in and help indoors or outdoors in any way you want.
Following the decorating, the D.E.S.I.G.N. team will treat you to a chili/soup lunch! Come when you can and stay for as long as you can! Let’s beautify the church for Advent and Christmas!
Also, mark your calendars for un-decorating on January 8th following the worship service that day. As we like to say, many hands make light work!
Get Your 2023 StPLC Directory Photo Taken sat, dec 10 ... For FREE
Lil’ Angels Photography is coming to Saint Peter on Saturday, December 10 to take your directory photo - at no cost! All you have to do is reserve your time online here. You are welcome to purchase additional photos at your own expense. Spots are filling up, so reserve yours quick!
If you already have a photo you’d like to use in the directory that works too! There will be a call for photos in the new year.
Grocery Bag Challenge
Who: Everyone!
What: Grocery bags
Where: Drop them off in the Narthex or outside bin
When: Now through Ash Wednesday
Why: We’re competing with four area churches to see who can collect the most bags! Youth from all four churches will braid them into sleeping. See Ms. Mary with questions.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thankful for you and everyone in the Saint Peter Lutheran Church community.