November 22, 2019, StPLC Events Update

Fall 2019 Stewardship Campaign, 20/20 Vision

We are deeply grateful for the members and supporters of Saint Peter who make ministry possible in our congregation. We especially want to thank the 61 families who have already made their commitment to support Saint Peter financially in 2020. We are off to a strong start! But in order to move forward with our ministry plans, we need to hear from the rest of our 94 households.

Statement of Intent Cards are available in the Narthex and on the Member Resources page of our website. Be sure to pick one up, fill it out and place it in the offering plate this Sunday. 2020 is going to be a great year!


Annual Thanksgiving Community Service

This year’s Thanksgiving Community Service will be held at Saint Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church (6190 East Quincy Avenue, Cherry Hills Village) at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26th. Dessert reception follows.

Covenant Cupboard Annual Toy Drive

The Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry will distribute the toys to all children of CCFP clients from 0-12 years of age on Friday, December 6th and Friday, December 13th. A large box is in the Narthex to collect unwrapped new toys (suggested value $15-$20), sports equipment, arts and crafts projects, other age-appropriate toys and gently used stuffed animals. Another box is for gently used (or regifted) mother’s gifts. We also accept monetary donations and will do the shopping for you. All toys and other donations should be at the church by Sunday, December 1st.  A flyer is available in the Narthex with more detailed suggestions.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer on December 6th or 13th, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., contact Cheryl Wegienka or Steve Werner.

Sunday Morning Faith Forum

Last week, Faith Forum finished up the conversation on Rachel Held Evans’ book Inspired. The last chapter explored the twenty-two books of the New Testament that aren’t actually books but letters. It was helpful to understand that even though they were written to address specific concerns regarding the cultural norms of the early century Christians, they can still provide us with great insight into how to follow Jesus in our own context of church, community, marriage and other ongoing tensions and differences.

Thank you to everyone who attended this series of Faith Forum. There are still a few FREE copies of the book available. Please let Jeanne Maloney know if you are interested in a book or if you would like to get together and discuss it more.

Starting this week and throughout December, Faith Forum will look at all of the appointed readings for the Advent season. We will explore the message of the scripture from the perspective of the people of the time when they were written and how we hear and understand them today. We will consider how the various readings for the day tie into one another from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

All adults, high school youth and middle school youth are invited to join the conversation. Grab a cup of coffee and a friend and come to the Covenant Hall from 9:45 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.

Deck the Hall With Boughs of Holly (DESIGN)

The StPLC DESIGN (Doing Everything Simply in God's Name) Team would love your help decorating the church on either (or both) Friday, December 6th at 5:30 p.m. and Saturday, December 7th at 9:00 a.m. Let's beautify the church for Advent and Christmas! Bring the kids!

Community of Crafters & Bakers December 8th

Come do your Christmas shopping at Saint Peter on Sunday, December 8th from 8:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. You’ll find baked goods, home goods and crafts perfect for your loved ones this holiday season.

StPLC Guest Speaker Theo WilsonSaint Peter was honored to have local author/ advocate Theo Wilson join us for Table Talks this last Wednesday. If you missed it, check out Theo's Ted talk that discusses his experience with racism.

StPLC Guest Speaker Theo Wilson

Saint Peter was honored to have local author/ advocate Theo Wilson join us for Table Talks this last Wednesday. If you missed it, check out Theo's Ted talk that discusses his experience with racism.

Advent Worship and Table Talks

Wednesday night Faith Table Talks will continue during Advent with a modified schedule to include participation in the mid-week Advent worship service. A home-cooked meal will be provided starting at 6:00 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. During dinner, a brief video will be shown highlighting a current cultural topic in order to spark a conversation at the dinner table.

Table Talk is an opportunity to come together as faithful friends to wrestle with some of the challenges we encounter in our culture in a judgment-free environment. It provides a space where opinions are heard and respected as we are all able to learn from one another. The conversations will wrap up in time for worship at 7:00 p.m.

Dinner and childcare will be provided at no cost. If you have any questions or would like to pitch in, please contact Jeanne Maloney.

Upcoming Holy Hammers Builds

Please sign up for any of the upcoming Habitat builds at as early as you're able to commit (our reserved spots are released two weeks ahead of each date). Email Brittany Hass with questions and lunch orders.

Upcoming builds (all dates are Saturdays): Dec 14 and Jan 25.