November 8, 2019, StPLC Events Update

Fall 2019 Stewardship Campaign, 20/20 Vision

Running through Commitment Sunday, November 17th, the StPLC Stewardship Team will be focusing on three initiatives for 2020. We ask that you spend some quiet time with God and pray for the church and the path that God has set for Saint Peter. You might even enjoy spending time on the labyrinth or in the prayer chapel temporarily set up in the cry room at the back of the Worship Center.

Sunday Morning Faith Forum Focusing On Inspired

Our Faith Forum conversations continue to be lively as we dig into better understanding the Bible and how it is meant to be read through Rachel Held Evans’ book Inspired. Last class, we moved into the Gospel Stories – the good news about the life and love of Jesus not simply his death and resurrection. Rachel reminds us that we are all invited into the story that can and will transform our lives. “The Church is not a group of people who all believe all the same things; the church is a group of people caught up in the same story, with Jesus at the center.”

If you don’t have time to read the book, please come anyway. A brief chapter overview will be provided during the discussion. Grab a cup of coffee and a friend and come to Covenant Hall from 9:40 a.m. until 10:30 a.m.


Faith Table Talks: Join the Conversation Wednesdays @ 6pm

Saint Peter wrapped up a successful first series of Table Talk conversations on Race last Wednesday night. There will be two more bonus sessions on Race the next two Wednesdays, November 13th and November 20th. All Saint Peter members are invited to join the conversation. Dinner provided!

Here’s a calendar of upcoming topics/session:

  • November 13th - How can we individually and as members of the ELCA engage in anti-racism and racial justice work?

  • November 20th - Special guest speaker, Theo Wilson, a local author and activist, will share the perspective he gained from his journey going “undercover” online as a white supremacist.

  • November 28th - No meeting. Happy Thanksgiving!

  • December 4th, 11th, 18th - Dinner and light conversation before Advent Worship at 7:00 p.m.

In January, a new discussion series will begin (topic TBD). If you have any questions, please contact Jeanne Maloney. Dinner and childcare are provided at no cost.

November 14th Joshua Station Community Meal

We have another opportunity to serve the Community Meal at Joshua Station on Thursday, November 14th. If you haven’t participated yet, it is a fun and meaningful way to share Christ’s love with our neighbor. Set-up begins at 5:00 p.m., dinner is at 6:00 p.m., and clean-up is done by 7:15 p.m. If you are interested, please contact Jeanne Maloney.

Annual Thanksgiving Community Service

This year’s Thanksgiving Community Service will be held at Saint Gabriel the Archangel Episcopal Church (6190 East Quincy Avenue, Cherry Hills Village) at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26th. Dessert reception follows.

Covenant Cupboard Annual Toy Drive

The Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry is gearing up for its annual Christmas Toy Drive. We will distribute the toys to all children of CCFP clients from 0-12 years of age on Friday, December 6th and Friday, December 13th. A large box is in the Narthex to collect unwrapped new toys (suggested value $15-$20), sports equipment, arts and crafts projects, other age-appropriate toys and gently used stuffed animals. Another box is for gently used (or regifted) mother’s gifts. We also accept monetary donations and will do the shopping for you. All toys and other donations should be at the church by Sunday, December 1st.  A flyer is available in the Narthex with more detailed suggestions.

If you have any questions or would like to volunteer on December 6th or 13th, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m., contact Cheryl Wegienka or Steve Werner.

Deck the Hall with Boughs of Holly (DESIGN)

It may sound early, but we are less than a month away from the Advent/Christmas Season!

This year we are including the kids to help us decorate so we have 2 options, Friday, December 6th we will be starting around 5:30 p.m. with the youth to get the trees set up and decorated and anything else we can do that evening.

On Saturday, December 7th starting at 9:00 a.m., we will put the finishing touches on the church. The DESIGN (Doing Everything Simply in God’s Name) team would love your help decorating either of these days. We will also be doing outside decorating and will determine when best to do this as the time gets closer.

Let’s beautify the church for Advent and Christmas!


Upcoming Holy Hammers Builds

Please sign up for any of the upcoming Habitat builds at as early as you're able to commit (our reserved spots are released two weeks ahead of each date). Email Brittany Hass with questions and lunch orders.

Upcoming builds (all dates are Saturdays): Dec 14 and Jan 25.

StPLC Has a New Member Database

You should have received an email from the new Saint Peter database program asking you to create an account and update your family profile. If you haven’t already done so, please take five minutes to check it out. By doing so, you are saving the church office a lot of time and effort.