A Sunrise Visio Divina

This is a meditation from a recent contemplative prayer gathering that takes place for the women of Saint Peter on Saturday mornings. We will continue to post meditations like these here for all to access. Take a moment to follow the prompts and invite God into your heart.

 A Visio Divina

 Our meditation today is a visio divina, or "sacred seeing," an ancient form of Christian prayer in which we allow our hearts and imaginations to enter into an image, in silence, to see what God might have to say to us. Visio divina is one form of contemplative prayer that may help us all to connect with God in this confusing time. The image is a photograph by Duffy Huffman, and it is titled, "God's mercies are new every morning." 


Enter into prayer and contemplation.

Meditate: Ponder the image, gaze, observe, ask questions. What is God revealing to you? 

Pray: Pray with gratitude and expectation. Invite God into your heart and mind.

Contemplate: We live in faith. A contemplative spiritual exercise is meant to lead us to gospel action in the world and a deeper connection with God.