September 25, 2020, StPLC Events Update

A Monthlong God's Work. Our Hands. Opportunity For Service

As of last Sunday, 85 people signed up to participate in Saint Peter’s God’s Work. Our Hands. event. Won’t you be number 86??? Click here for the full list of opportunities and to get plugged in. If you participate in your own community service work that is not on the list, add that at the bottom of the signup. We will be tracking the collective effort of the congregation, and we would love to hear what you are up to.

In case you missed it, last Sunday we featured Casa de Paz in Denver. This very inspiring video does a great job of explaining how the organization opens its doors to immigrants released from ICE detention and their families.

This Sunday we will be talking about advocacy, which we featured in this week’s issue of Our Life Together along with info about the Habitat for Humanity Tool Drive. (HFH is in need of NEW tools like retractable utility knives, 25ft tape measures, nail pullers and Lysol spray.)

Fall Ministry Group Updates

Church Chicks will continue its virtual coffee hour on the second and fourth Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. Additionally, the group will provide monthly meals on the third Saturday of the month at The Delores Project. The next date is the 17th of October. Last, Church Chicks will be collecting and delivering women's professional clothes for Dress for Success on the second Saturday of the month. The remaining 2020 dates are October 10th, November 14th and December 12th.

If you have questions or would like to participate, contact Jo Kurowski or Annie Heath.

Chick Lit will be meeting via Zoom at 7:00 p.m. as follows for the rest of 2020:

  • Oct 15 - How the Irish Saved Civilization: The Untold Story of Ireland’s Heroic Role from the Fall of Rome to the Rise of Medieval Europe by Thomas Cahill

  • Nov 19 - Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese

We will also likely meet virtually some time in November to choose books for 2021. Anyone wishing to join who is not already on our email list can reach out to Lori Williams or Heather Dahms.

MOPs will look a bit different this year, but we will be offering the same open and welcoming community to moms with kids aged six-years-old and younger. The goal of the 2020-2021 year is to offer a place for support, growth and a way to make the best of the weird situation that is COVID-19.

Join us on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. via Zoom for guest speakers, panel discussions, activities around personal wellness and more. In-person, socially-distant meetings will happen in the future when possible though it's likely childcare will not be provided this year. Contact Sara Orlino or Mary Shull with questions.

Check for other ministry group activities. If you are a ministry leader and would like to share your news, contact Sara Lancaster.


Faith Formation Ministry Updates

Faith Forum is aiming to engage your heart and mind to nourish your spiritual longing, as we seek ways to explore and enter into a deeper expression of faith. Please join the conversation about how spirituality points to a path – to choices of belief, value commitments, patterns of life, and practices of faith that allow Christ to be formed in us. Faith Forum takes place on the same Zoom link as worship.

The fall book study on Lenny Duncan’s Dear Church: A Love Letter from a Black Preacher to the Whitest Denomination in the US is taking place on Wednesday evenings immediately following Saint Peter’s Evening Prayer (about 7:30 p.m.) on the same Zoom link. This week tackled the first chapter in the book, “Dismantling White Supremacy is the Way of the Cross.”  Some time was spent understanding how the history of the US, while making a lot of progress on the treatment of people of color, has led to many current-day systems that has created inequities. All are welcomed to join the class at any time.

The kitchen is demo’d! It’s looking like the new cabinets will be installed this next week. There is also some work being done on the sacristy - painting, cabinet repair, new shelves and more. Thank you to Lynn Sherpe, Valerie Watkins, Karne Beighle…

The kitchen is demo’d! It’s looking like the new cabinets will be installed this next week. There is also some work being done on the sacristy - painting, cabinet repair, new shelves and more. Thank you to Lynn Sherpe, Valerie Watkins, Karne Beighle, Nate Gerhart, Chuck Baker, Jeanne Maloney and others who pitched in to get the job done.