April 24, 2020, StPLC Events Update

TOMORROW! Interfaith Food Drive

Join the faith groups in your community to support our food banks at this critical time. Tomorrow, Saturday, April 25th, you can drop off food donations at the following locations from 12-3 pm to support Covenant Cupboard and Jewish Family Services Food Banks.

  • Hope United Methodist Church 5105 S Dayton Street, Greenwood Village, CO 80111

  • The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 6061 S Havana St., Englewood, CO 80111

  • Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry 5400 S Yosemite, Greenwood Village, CO 80111

Gratefully accepting canned foods such as fruit, vegetables, chicken, tuna as well as other non-perishables such as pasta, cereal, peanut butter and other pantry staples. In addition, any empty egg cartons would be helpful for dividing up large egg donations.

ONLINE DONATIONS ALSO ACCEPTED: http://covcupboard.org

Stay Online After Sunday Worship For Faith Forum

This latest series is based on the book Love Wins by Rob Bell. Whether you have read the book or not, you are welcome to join in the conversation. Last week we had more than 40 participants! And there’s always room for more. To participate, stay on the Zoom line after Sunday Morning Worship. We will get started at about 10:30 a.m.

Easter Season Book Study

Let’s take a journey together during the season of Easter into Jesus’ last week prior to his crucifixion. We will use Marcus Borg and John Dominic Crossan’s book, The Last Week, as our guide. The study will take place online Thursday evenings from 7:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. on the same Zoom link used for worship. Contact Jeanne Maloney with questions.

Volunteers Needed: Become An Online Worship Servant

Are you interested in reading aloud during online worship? It's pretty easy when you get to do it from the comfort of your own home. You'll even get some Zoom training! There are opportunities for you to participate in Sunday morning worship and Wednesday evening prayer as a lector or assisting minister. If interested, reach out to Janet Okerman or Pastor Dave.

Ask Pastor Dave: Is It Possible To Celebrate Holy Communion During Online Worship?

Several of you have asked whether or not we can hold communion while worshipping online. I’ll preface my answer by saying that Holy Communion is an important aspect of our life together. When I was ordained in 1984, I was ordained to “The Ministry of Word and Sacrament.” This is an indication from the larger church that among my various responsibilities as your Pastor, two of the most important of them are teaching and preaching the word of God, and administering the Sacraments of Holy Baptism and Holy Communion.

However, during this COVID-19 outbreak, when we have not been able to gather together face-to-face, I am among those Lutheran leaders who have decided not to celebrate either of these Sacraments in digital space.  This actually is a more complicated decision than some might imagine. Early on, when stay-at-home policies were instituted in Colorado, our Bishop hosted an online meeting with area Pastors to discuss this. We were given forty-four pages of documents to study in preparation for this meeting, from church leaders and thinkers with varying insights and positions on this question.

To read more of my thoughts on this as well as read some of the statements by other church leaders, visit the Saint Peter blog at www.stplc.org/our-life-together.

Continued Giving To StPLC

During these times when we are unable to gather, our ministry expenses remain constant. If you are able to support the work of Saint Peter, we would be deeply grateful. Most banks will set up automatic payments free of charge or you can make contributions through Vanco, Saint Peter’s vendor for payment processing. Visit the StPLC home page or follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/donatetosaintpeter. To avoid high credit card processing fees paid by Saint Peter, please consider giving by check. The echeck process is easy and cost-effective!