Habits of Discipleship: Community Service

Jesus is very clear that the life of a disciple is to be a life of witness.  What's more, that witness is to be offered with more than words - our actions are to serve as a "light to the world."  This week's highlighted Habit of Discipleship is Community Service, which is a complementary habit to financial generosity as a way to love our neighbor. 

We live in a world driven by consumerism.  We are bombarded on a daily basis with messages trying to convince us the quality of our life is directly proportional to how much we accumulate for ourselves.  We are immersed in economic, social, and political systems that are intensely focused on what we can do to "get ahead." We are enticed to spend much of our time and energy chasing our own ambitions.

This message runs counter to the message of scripture.  Jesus teaches and models that the best life - the life that God wants for us - is marked by the desire to give of ourselves to our brothers and sisters in need.  As Martin Luther often said, "The forgiveness we receive from Christ frees us to live as servants of others."

A follower of Christ becomes involved in loving service to our community, believing that in serving the needs of others, especially the most vulnerable, we are serving Jesus himself. As Matthew 25 points out, “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”  As we go out into the world, we experience Christ in the flesh when we look into the eyes of the hungry, the thirsty, the stranger, the naked, the sick, and the prisoner. 

At Saint Peter, we encourage you to participate in community service at least once a month.  The best place to serve is where your heart is calling you, somewhere you are willing to commit your time on a regular basis.  Saint Peter has a number of agencies we support and you are welcomed to get involved in these opportunities. There is a list below.  Maybe you are already connected somewhere else.  What is important, is that you search out and find a way for you to be an instrument of God's love for others using your hands, your feet, your voice, and your heart.    

As you love and care for your neighbor, may your heart be transformed by Christ's loving presence. 

This article was written by Jeanne Maloney, Faith Formation at Saint Peter.

Saint Peter Sponsored Community Service Opportunities

Many of these opportunities are on hold during the COVID 19 shelter-in-place order. Please check their website for status updates. 

  • Christ in the City - help serve a meal to hundreds of homeless friends the second Saturday of the month at Lincoln Memorial Park. (see Mary Pratt)

  • Covenant Cupboard Food Pantry - there are multiple ways to help out at Covenant Cupboard, including donating food items, food pick-ups, and distributing food on Fridays.  (see Laura Guthals)

  • The Delores Project - provide and serve a meal to homeless women and transgender folks. (see Annie Heath)

  • Habitat for Humanity - help build a home for a deserving family. (see Adam and Brittany Hass)

  • Joshua Station - prepare and serve dinner for families at this transitional housing community on Thursdays.  (see Jeanne Maloney)

  • Lutheran Family Services - there are multiple ways to volunteer at LFS with foster families, refugee and asylum families, and seniors. (see Jeanne Maloney)

  • Vitalant - donate blood through one of Saint Peter's blood drives or directly with Vitalant. (see Karen Clair)