July 6, 2020, StPLC Events Update

Day Camp Starts TODAY

Saint Peter's Day Camp with Rainbow Trail begins TODAY! There is no cost to participate, and it’s not too late to register. Visit https://www.stplc.org/rtlc-day-camp so that you receive the Zoom links for live worship, song/dance, and Bible study with Rainbow Trail counselors from 4-6pm each day. If that time frame doesn’t fit your family’s schedule, please still register. There will be recorded portions and crafts that can be accessed at any time throughout the week! To learn more, watch this video from Rainbow Trail.


Regular Online Communion Schedule

Going forward for as long as we are worshipping online, Saint Peter Council has decided we will virtually celebrate communion on the first and third Sundays of every month. If you would prefer single-serving wine and bread for communion in your home, reach out to Saint Peter’s Stephen Ministers who are available to bring you individual cups and bread for your use. (Pictured here: Valerie and Dick Watkins shared a photo of a pewter wine cup from Germany and a small plate from Tennessee that they use during at-home communion.)

Walk/Run For Selian Hospital All Summer Long

Sign up for the annual Selian Run/Walk! Set your goals and get outside to support Selian Hospital in Tanzania all summer long. If you want a t-shirt, now is the time to let us know by registering. And if you have questions or would like to sponsor the event, contact Terri Mohrhaus.

The Next StPLC Property Day

The next Saint Peter property workday will be July 25th. Bring your wheelbarrows, lawn and leaf rakes, shovels, chain saws, pruners, loppers and tarps so that we can tackle the to-do list. The group will observe COVID 19 guidelines. If you have questions, contact Dave Prichard.

Women’s Contemplative Prayer Group (1st and 3rd Saturdays)

All women of Saint Peter are invited to come together for contemplative prayer on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month. Previously, the Saturday morning group focused on a book, but this time around there will be no preparation necessary. All you have to do is show up with an open heart. https://zoom.us/j/3698759824

Contact Jeanne Maloney with questions.

Want To Contribute A Musical Recording?

Do you like to play the piano, sing or play an instrument? We would love recordings, audio or video, of people (all ages) playing special music, hymns or sacred songs for our online worship services. If you would like to join forces with our pianist, Arielle, or anyone else in the band, we can come up with a plan to get you an accompaniment track that you can record with and create a full offering – just let us know what you’d like to do!

This has been an especially difficult time for musicians who thrive on collaboration and personal experiences. Although a recording is a bit different, it definitely makes a positive impact on both musician and congregant and glorifies God at the same time. So, don’t be shy – reach out to Steve Howie and offer your musical gifts to God!