June 19, 2020, StPLC Events Update


Let’s Celebrate Father’s Day This Sunday

During this Sunday's Worship Service, we will celebrate our fathers by sharing favorite photos and memories. To get us started, here's a photo of Pastor Dave's father, Carl (1924-1999). Photo taken for his high school graduation.

Regular Online Communion Schedule

Going forward for as long as we are worshipping online, Saint Peter Council has decided we will virtually celebrate communion on the first and third Sundays of every month.

We previously published information on how to prepare for communion, which you can find on the Saint Peter blog here, but here is also an abbreviated list of tips:

  • Before worship, collect any sacred objects, bread/crackers and juice/wine/water.

  • As Pastor Dave recites the Words of Institution, speak the words along with him. Following the Lord’s Prayer, share bread and wine with one another in your home saying “The body of Christ, given for you.” And then the wine, saying, “The blood of Christ, shed for you.”

  • Leftover communion elements — the bread and the wine — are either eaten or returned to the earth. If you do not consume them, take them outside and place them in your garden or on your lawn.

If you would prefer single-serving wine and bread for communion in your home, reach out to Saint Peter’s Stephen Ministers who are available to bring you individual cups and bread for your use (pictured here).


Sign-Up For Four Squares Today

Would you like to get to know those at Saint Peter who live in your neighborhood? Would you like to connect with a small group in a safe way? (Maybe in a driveway or backyard!) Are you interested in engaging in faithful conversation in the comfort of your church community?

Then Four Squares is for you!

Similar to Three Square Dinner Parties that many at Saint Peter have enjoyed in the past, this summer you’ll get teamed up with three other individuals or pairs, and you’ll meet four times this summer either online or outdoors. Each group will have a facilitator who will manage scheduling and introducing topics and/or activities that interest the group. While these won’t be dinner parties, per se, there will be refreshments in the mix along with some other fun, too.

By the way, if you want to come on your own (without a spouse), please do! There are already many singles signed up. Groups will be teamed up by June 23rd.

Women’s Contemplative Prayer Group Tomorrow (1st and 3rd Saturdays)

All women of Saint Peter are invited to come together for contemplative prayer on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month. Previously, the Saturday morning group focused on a book, but this time around there will be no preparation necessary. Contact Jeanne Maloney with questions.

Want To Contribute A Musical Recording?

Do you like to play piano, sing or play an instrument? We would love recordings, audio or video, of people (all ages) playing special music, hymns or sacred songs for our online worship services. If you would like to join forces with our pianist, Arielle, or anyone else in the band, we can come up with a plan to get you an accompaniment track that you can record with and create a full offering – just let us know what you’d like to do!

This has been an especially difficult time for musicians who thrive on collaboration and personal experiences. Although a recording is a bit different, it definitely makes a positive impact on both musician and congregant and glorifies God at the same time. So, don’t be shy – reach out to Steve Howie and offer your musical gifts to God!

Celebrate World Refugee Day

Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service (LIRS) has gathered migrant and refugee leaders, people of faith, choirs, musicians, and others for a special worship service honoring our refugee and immigrant brothers and sisters. Find it online at https://youtu.be/Y_MBABDKnrs.

Race Talk University Virtual Graduation

Jeanne Maloney and Saint Peter's friend Cheryl Thomas invite you to attend their virtual graduation from Race Talk University on June 29th. Race Talk University is hosted by Shorter Community AME Church in Denver.

At the event, you will get to hear from Shorter Community’s pastor, Dr. Timothy Tyler and their First Lady, Dr. Nita Mosby Tyler. The guest speaker for the event is Bakari Sellers, the youngest African American elected official in the country at age 22. 

June Church Chicks News

The Church Chicks continue to meet on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. via Zoom, with the next virtual coffee hour happening on June 27th. Additionally, the group continues to serve its monthly meal at The Delores Project and will begin to collect clothes for Dress for Success again. The next clothing drop-off date is Saturday, July 11th. Contact Annie Heath to arrange for drop-off.

7 Active Listening Tips From StPLC Stephen Ministers

For the next few months, Saint Peter's Stephen Ministry Team will be sharing tips and insights with you. 2020 has been extraordinarily challenging, and if there were ever a time to share what we've learned through our Stephen Ministry training, it's now. Click here for the article.

The Church Building Remains Closed

The church building and grounds remain closed until further notice. Groups that want to meet at Saint Peter need to consult with the Congregation Council before scheduling or holding events. It’s up to all of us to keep each other safe! For now, Saint Peter is working best by meeting online. Thanks for understanding.

Continued Giving To StPLC

During these times when we are unable to gather, our ministry expenses remain constant. If you are able to support the work of Saint Peter, we would be deeply grateful. Most banks will set up automatic payments free of charge or you can make contributions through Vanco, Saint Peter’s vendor for payment processing. Visit the StPLC home page or follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/donatetosaintpeter. To avoid high credit card processing fees paid by Saint Peter, please consider giving by check. The echeck process is easy and cost-effective!