July 31, 2020, StPLC Events Update

2020 Selian T-Shirt Deadline Is This Sunday

Sign up for the annual Selian Run/Walk by Sunday to ensure you get this year’s t-shirt. Set your goals and get outside to support Selian Hospital in Tanzania all summer long. If you have questions, contact Terri Mohrhaus.


Christ In The City Meal August 8th

Saint Peter will be providing food for Lunch in the Park for Christ in the City on Saturday, August 8th. Due to the pandemic, volunteers will not serve the food, only deliver it downtown so that CIC missionaries can deliver the donated food to the folks on the street. To make a contribution, follow this link for the Sign-Up Genius.

Upcoming Community Blood Drives

Saint Peter will not be hosting a blood drive through Vitalant in the near future, but there are other opportunities to donate blood. Visit donors.vitalant.org where you can search for blood donation opportunities by zip code.


Prayer Flags Reminder

Four Square Participants: As you fill out your prayer flags during or after each gathering, please return the flags to your group leader, drop them in the basket placed outside the administration entrance to the church building or mail the flags to Jeanne Maloney. If you are not participating in Four Squares and would like to include a special prayer on the flag installation now flying on the labyrinth, contact Jeanne Maloney as well.

It’s Coming! God's Work. Our Hands. 2020

This year, Saint Peter will promote a month of God’s Work. Our Hands. community service starting on Sunday, September 13th, and running through Sunday, October 11th. There will be a variety of community service activities that you will be invited to do at home and in the Denver area.

If you are already involved with a community organization, please let the GWOH team know. We'd love to lift up the work you are doing during Sunday morning worship as well as see photos and videos of you out there working in your bright yellow God's Work. Our Hands. t-shirts. Send a note to welcometeam@stplc.org to let us know what organizations are near and dear to your heart. 

Women’s Contemplative Prayer Group

All women of Saint Peter are invited to come together for contemplative prayer on the first and third Saturday mornings of the month. Previously, the Saturday morning group focused on a book, but this time around there will be no preparation necessary. All you have to do is show up with an open heart. https://zoom.us/j/3698759824. Contact Jeanne Maloney with questions.

Get More In The ‘Our Life Together’ PDF

Don’t forget to check the StPLC.org home page every week for an updated issue of Our Life Together. In it, you will find our prayer list along with other articles and photos you won’t find in this bi-weekly What’s Happening email.