March 13, 2020, StPLC Events Update

Cancellations at Saint Peter

Hopefully, you saw Pastor’s letter about the coronavirus that went out earlier today. If not, you can find it here. In addition to the information shared in the letter, please note that as of right now, Saint Peter will not be hosting in-person Worship on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings at our regularly scheduled times. However, we will be hosting online worship. Check the home page for links and information.

Thank you for understanding. If you have questions or concerns, please contact Pastor Dave.

Apply for the $500 StPLC Scholarship

Saint Peter Lutheran Church will be offering a $500 scholarship in the spring of 2020. You do not need to be a current high school senior or even a recent graduate to apply; any individual who is continuing his or her education in a formalized or accredited education program is eligible.

To be eligible, applicants must: Be able to demonstrate caring, integrity and strong Christian values, show ongoing involvement in our Saint Peter community and its varied activities; Be a positive role model to others at Saint Peter, particularly our youth; Show that the planned course of study will lead to a degree, certification, or obvious endpoint; Complete a written application (including an essay of at least 500 words), interview with members of the scholarship committee, and be present at a Sunday service to receive the award.

Applicants do not need to: Demonstrate financial need or share income information; Be right out of high school - applicants of any age can apply, as long as they will be in the first two years of their educational programs; Limit themselves to four-year colleges only. We only ask that you are attending or planning to participate in a formalized, recognized educational program that is certified and has a formalized degree or tangible endpoint. You must have a specific goal!

Please contact Ken Gerhart or Lori Williams for more information. Good luck!

New StPLC Security System

Notice for all! If the doors are locked and you do not have an access code for the new security system, please do not enter the building. The entire Saint Peter facility is now protected by an electronic security system. If an alarm sounds, law enforcement officers will respond. To request your own security access code, contact Church Administrator Lynn Sherpe at 303-770-9300 #303.

Refugee Series Recap and Next Steps

In late February, Saint Peter wrapped up its second Faith Table Talk Series, which focused on the Refugee Crisis. In all, about 20 church members and friends gathered every Wednesday night for seven weeks to share dinner and tackle tough topics. Sara Lancaster shared some of her thoughts about the in this weeks’ Our Life Together. Read the whole article on the Saint Peter blog.

Registration Open for Summer Day Camp

Rainbow Trail has announced its 2020 Summer Theme: Seeing Ourselves and Others As God Does (1 Peter 4:10).

Rainbow Trail counselors will join us this summer at Saint Peter from July 6-9 and lead our little ones in four days of games, activities, songs and Bible study. Choose to download registration forms and turn them into the office with a check or register online and pay online through the Vanco link. Scholarship funds are available for those who request it. Contact Joel Waggonner for more information.

ALMC School of Nursing Update

The Selian construction project in Tanzania is coming along! Here is a message from Dr. Mark Jacobson. “We are creating very nice spaces and still scheduled to move classes the first week of April and dormitory by the time students return during the third week of April. It may be optimistic but we think we can pull it off.

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Shout Out Corner!

A BIG thank you to Karen Clair and Brooke Tieperman for taking so many photos at Saint Peter events and sharing them with the church communications staff. The Weekly would not be nearly as colorful without their contributions.

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