Prayers Of Petition For Sunday, April 25, 2021

Led by Christ in our journey of love and reconciliation, let us pray in thanksgiving for the presence of God in this community of faith and for guidance for the church we are becoming

A brief silence.

Most gracious God, empower us to be as extravagant in loving others as you have been in loving us. Thank you for the strong legacy Saint Peter has built by serving the communities that surround us. Inspire us to continue stretching and strengthening our efforts to live in this world as a reflection of Christ.

Hear us O God,

Your mercy is great.

Steadfast God, prepare us for this time of listening and discovery. Help us to open hearts and eyes to see beyond old ways of doing things. Help us to find creative and loving ways to welcome and engage people of all ages and abilities into our community and to celebrate the joy of getting to know you as we get to know new friends.

Hear us O God,

Your mercy is great.

Jesus, you welcomed the stranger.  The despised.  The broken.  The different.  You welcomed every one of us.  Thank you for seeing us as worthy of your love.  Help us to share that generous love and delight in others with all we encounter.  Help us to see your face in all we meet today and every day.

Hear us O God,

Your mercy is great.

God of hope, be with us as we move forward as a congregation. Give us the insight to see where we should advance in our mission; give us the courage to take on new challenges that will arise as we go; and give us the wisdom to discern your will and guidance when we face uncertainty and difficulties. Keep us humble, knowing that what we do is done in your name and for your kingdom.

Hear us O God,

Your mercy is great.

God of all creation, make us aware of the needs of all people; bless us with dedication and persistence to meet those needs; sustain us with patience to stay the course. Give us courage and grace to explore and act on tough issues like racism, immigration, asylum and inclusiveness, and to do so with the gospels and Jesus as our guide. 

Hear us O God,

Your mercy is great.

Generous God, you have given us abundant gifts of love, time and talents.  Inspire each one of us to share these gifts to serve and strengthen this community of faith.   Inspire all of us with the courage to serve as ministers, visionaries, musicians, teachers, council members, Stephen Ministers, community volunteers, prayer warriors, bakers, builders, knitters, babysitters and foster grandparents. Equip us with the vision and skills to meet the needs of all your people now and in the future.  In all we do, ground our work in scripture and prayer and fuel it with your great imagination. Hear us O God,

Your mercy is great.

Faithful God you created us in your image.  Help us to remember that, in our everyday interactions with others.  We long to do your will and yet so often we fall short.  Thank you for loving us anyway, and may that love propel us into radical love for all. Be with this Saint Peter Lutheran Church community as we go into our local communities and the world to be a reflection of your radical love.

Hear us O God,

Your mercy is great.

Ever-present Lord, please accept our humble petitions as we seek to love you and your creation more fully, always and in all ways,
