January 18, 2022, StPLC Events Update

This Sunday’s Congregational Meeting With Bishop Gonia

This coming Sunday, Saint Peter is delighted to be led in worship by Bishop Jim Gonia. Following our 9:00 a.m. Worship Service, we will have a Congregational Meeting (both in-person in the Worship Center and on Zoom) as Bishop Gonia will discuss the pastoral transition process.

Please plan on joining! Bring your questions, concerns and hopes for the future as we discuss this transition process.

Calling All Music Lovers!

Do you love music? Do you love Saint Peter? WE NEED YOU!

Shower singers, seasoned musicians, toe-tappers and hymn hummers - we want you in the Music Ministry! Do you have a secret musical talent or an instrument hiding at home? Do you have a mysterious drive to shake a tambourine or bang on a conga drum? Do you want to explore a new avenue of worship and fellowship?

The Music Ministry at Saint Peter has room for you!

If you’re ready to get involved – whether it’s jumping back in or participating for the first time - reach out to Beryl.

New Habitat Build Opportunity

At long last, we have an opportunity to volunteer on new construction with Habitat for Humanity! Please email Brittany Hass if you're interested in volunteering outdoors on March 19th, 8:45 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at Project Aria (2813 W 53rd Ave, Denver, CO 80221) and if you would be interested in carpooling with others from Saint Peter.

Saturday spots will be claimed fast so email today! Also, email Brittany if you'd like to be on the information list for future Habitat volunteer opportunities but can't make this one work. 


Time To Chalk Your Doors For Epiphany!

Let's carry on the tradition we started last year and chalk our doors again this Epiphany season (the day of Epiphany is Thursday, January 6th). Pick up a small kit from the bin outside the Fellowship Hall doors at Saint Peter. There's plenty available so feel free to take one for a friend, too! As always, send your questions and photos to Miss Mary


Contemplative Prayer On Zoom Mondays And Thursdays

Do not be dismayed by the brokenness of the world.

All things break. And all things can be mended. 

Not with time, as they say, but with intention.  

So go.  Love intentionally, extravagantly, unconditionally.

The broken world waits in darkness for the light that is in you.  

-R.L. Knost

How do you find peace in a broken world? How do you find the energy to help mend it? Studies have shown that meditation helps us to be happier, healthier, and more connected to God and each other. 

The Contemplative Ministry at Saint Peter is offering the opportunity to participate in guided meditations this year. This poem by L. R. Knost was the focus of our meditation last Monday.  This series is being offered on Zoom and is open on a drop-in basis. No need to sign up, just click on the link at the time you wish to participate. 

To participate in meditation sessions on Mondays 8:00-8:30 a.m. and/or Thursdays 7:00-7:30 p.m., use the same Zoom link we use for Sunday Worship.


Saint Peter’s Brown Bag Bible Study on Wednesday afternoons is still going strong.  The group meets (on Zoom) at 11:30 a.m. for some time to catch up with one another and check in on prayer requests. Bible Study begins at noon.  

For the next several weeks, Karyl Meyer (and Walt) will be leading the group through a book discussion of Padraig O Tuama and Glenn Jordan’s book, Borders & Belonging, The Book of Ruth: A Story for our Times. 

“Amid the poorly told, blunt stories in our world today that divide, polarize and reinforce stereotypes, this lyrical and imaginative book invites us to explore a timeless human drama that reveals how we might respond more creatively to pressing current issues about borders and belonging.”

Please consider starting off the New Year with a new practice of weekly Bible Study. Come join the conversation!  You can access the meeting on the same link as Sunday morning worship.  

Changes To The StPLC MOPS Group

In 2013, Saint Peter began a Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) ministry for church members and friends who were moms with children under six years old. MOPS International is a large organization, and there are groups in churches all over the world, but the Saint Peter MOPS group started off different than the other groups and stayed that way -- meeting on Saturday mornings (most groups meet during the week) and small (some MOPS groups have dozens of members, but StPLC’s group had an average attendance of 10 attendees each session).

Due to COVID and all of the challenges that have come along with it -- e.g., inability to meet in-person and provide childcare, decreased attendance, open leadership positions, etc. -- the group has decided to officially step back from a MOPS International affiliation and instead focus on simply being a community of Saint Peter moms.

Thank you to the Saint Peter Congregation for supporting the small but scrappy StPLC MOPS group for nine years. Please know that many friendships were formed in our church building and much was learned from the guest speakers and activities. And thank you to all the moms who attended our meetings and to those who served in leadership roles.

All members of the leadership team hope that another generation of moms will pick up the MOPS ministry at Saint Peter in the future. But in the meantime, all moms with young children are invited to join the NEW informal social group, which will kick off later in January with a soon-to-be-rescheduled white elephant Christmas party.

If you’d like to participate, send a note to mops@stplc.org.