January 15, 2025 StPLC Events Update

The content of this post (which is automatically delivered to email subscribers) includes a summary of the latest issue of Saint Peter’s Our Life Together (weekly newsletter). You can find a link to the latest issue by clicking here.



This tree surprised me as I hiked through the forest, deep into the forest. I was in that good rhythm that propelled me along in an almost mindless manner. My body had settled into a familiar cadence, and I was feeling good about my progress up the trail. Then…this.

This young, small and “ordinary” tree stood silently, almost “camouflaged” into all the other trees that surrounded me. But this tree, rather, someone before me, invited me to stop and take notice of this tree, and an instant smile emerged on my face. This tree had a message that the others did not. This tree invited me to pause, smile, remember and celebrate again. Celebrate again, the gift of Emmanuel. Celebrate again, because this gift was never and never will be restricted to one day. This gift is not to be forgotten as we fall back into the cadence of life that moves us up the trail, mindlessly forgetting that God journey’s with us.

Like this gift in the forest, God promises to be with us and invites us to stop and take notice. Take notice that the gift of Christ that we celebrated on Christmas Day, this gift is with us today, also. Even as we fall into that familiar cadence of life that moves us along the path of life, the gift, even surprisingly sometime, journey’s with us, every step of the way.

I wonder, is God calling you to be this tree of reminder? Or, I wonder how much fun it would be to “decorate” some ordinary “tree” along the path, with the joy of anticipation that someone might notice and receive an unexpected experience of joy. Ohhhhh…I like that!

St. Peter, I invite you to join me in surprising the world with reminders of God’s love with us. Surprise the world with the beauty that is God in and with you and all of us.


This is going to be fun!!!

Interim Pastor Michael



Whether you can participate weekly or seasonally, come check it out! If you have questions, connect with Beryl (bfanslow@stplc.org).



Are you or someone you know interested in working at Saint Peter? We are currently seeking a Director of Faith Formation! The Director of Faith Formation at Saint Peter Lutheran Church (StPLC) will engage the congregation in the shared work of faith formation for all ages. In close coordination with the pastor, staff, and congregational members, he/she will support, coordinate, and equip ministry programs to foster spiritual growth, as we seek to live and share God’s creative and redeeming word to the world. Please read the entire job description at stplc.org/employment and ponder if God is calling you to serve in this unique and wonderful way. Questions? Reach out to personnel@stplc.org.



Help build community! This winter and spring, you have the opportunity to make a huge difference (with or without power tools) through Holy Hammers. Check out the following dates, and go sign up at https://vhub.at/HolyHammers. Want more details? Connect with Brittany Hass! Thank you!

• Saturday, February 15th at Augustana Homes (5088 E Dakota Ave, Denver, CO, 80246) from 8:50 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Saturday, March 29th at the new Production Shop (430 S Navajo St, Denver, CO, 80246) from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

• Saturday, April 26th at Augustana Homes (5088 E Dakota Ave, Denver, CO, 80246) from 8:50 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

• Saturday, May 10th at Augustana Homes (5088 E Dakota Ave, Denver, CO, 80246) from 8:50 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.



Dear Saint Peter, thank you for your overflowing generosity. You go above and beyond to make sure the staff at Saint Peter feels valued and appreciated! It is a privilege to serve this vibrant community. Thank you for your support and your gifts. It is a blessing to worship, serve, and welcome alongside our brothers and sisters in Christ.

With gratitude,
Pastor Michael, Lynn, Mary, Barb, Beryl, and Arielle



The Ronald McDonald House serves as a "home away from home" for many folks with hospitalized children. The Pop Tab Recycling Program is an easy way to support this valuable resource. Simply pull off your beverage can tabs or soup tops (anything with a pull tab!) and bring them to church! We will collect them in a large jar in the narthex for delivery and recycling.



If you haven’t already left a review online, please take a couple of minutes this week to share with the online world what you think is special about our South Denver church. It’s free to do and will only take you a couple of minutes. You can find instructions from Google here. You can find the Saint Peter listing here.