Habits of Discipleship: Faith Nurture in Small Groups or Partnership

Today, we continue the series of articles focusing on Saint Peter's Habits of Discipleship by looking at the final of the five habits: Faith Nurture in Small Group or Partnership.  

When you think back on your faith journey, can you identify three or four experiences when your faith grew significantly? Were there other people involved in that experience? My guess is that at least one or two of your experiences included a mentor, a pastor, a friend or a group of church friends you sat side-by-side with at a Bible study, fellowship event or community service activity.

Effective small groups and partnerships are based on relationships that provide a safe, comfortable and reliable space to get to know and trust one another. Having Christ at the center of these relationships is what ensures you move beyond friendships into opportunities to grow in faith. At Saint Peter, there are a variety of ways to connect.

  • Education - Wednesday Lunchtime Bible Study, Sunday Education Hour (Faith Forum and Sunday School), Wednesday Evening Table Talk (on hiatus), Catechism 

  • Devotion - Tuesday Morning Men's Group, Saturday morning Women's Contemplative Group

  • Service - Covenant Cupboard, Habitat for Humanity, SOS, Selian 5k, God's Work Our Hands, Dress for Success, Christ in the City, Joshua Station, The Delores Project 

  • Ministry Teams - Evangelism, Property, Stewardship, Administration, Community Building, Youth & Family, Stephen Ministry, Altar Guild, DESIGN, Community Service, Stitchers, Tech Team, Music, Worship Servants

  • Fellowship - MOPs, Church Chicks, Men's Group, Three Squares, Theater & Theology, Youth Group 

It is well known that Christ consistently used the expression ‘follower.’ He never asks for admirers, worshippers, or adherents. No, he calls disciples. It is not adherents of a teaching but followers of a life Christ is looking for.
— Soren Kierkegaard

More Reading

Did you miss some of the other articles on Saint Peter's Five Habits of Discipleship? You can find them all on the Saint Peter blog. Links to the other four articles here.

Habit 1: Weekly Worship

Habit 2: Financial Support of Ministry

Habit 3: Daily Time With God

Habit 4: Community Service